Chapter 146

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No, I've never thought about them that specifically.

In fact, I consciously avoided them. Because I wanted to prioritize survival. I didn't want anything to take precedence over survival and escape.

"That's a hard question to answer, isn't it?" said Yuanna with a look of understanding.

I nodded. On second thought, I guess I shouldn't be thinking about it now.

I still believe in the suspension bridge effect[1]. After making it off the island, I don't know if their hearts will be the same as they are now.

They hated me when I was in the Langridge Empire, so I'm a little scared. I'm afraid that if I go back, their feelings will change again.

It would break my heart if all their feelings were erased after escaping from the island. I had to get my act together now, to keep us all from falling apart.

Come to think of it, I was also curious about Yuanna's feelings.

I don't think I've ever seen her open up about her story in any depth, partly because she and I haven't had a lot of interaction.

"What about you?" I asked.


"Have you ever had a crush on anyone, or do you still?"

Yuanna opened her eyes wide as if she hadn't expected the same question to be directed at her.


She trailed off, looking puzzled for a moment. It wasn't the look of being caught with something to hide, but rather surprise at a genuinely unexpected question.


She replied shortly afterward, so firmly that it was awkward for me to ask again.

I looked over at Kayden and Diego, who were still quarreling in the next tree. I thought Diego had a crush on Yuanna, but she doesn't seem to have a clue.

I shook my head and decided to let it go. She said no, so whatever.

All that matters is survival.

I carefully looked around.

Enoch and Arthdal were in the tree on the other side, and Ruzef, who had not yet regained consciousness, was tied to a branch just above them.

We had to take turns sleeping in case of danger or attack, which is why we were in trees in pairs, and the team assignment coincidentally happened.

A wizard and a knight, a crown prince and a crown prince. Well, it's a bit of a problem if Enoch and Kayden are together in the same group.

I glanced around, then back at Yuanna.

"Do you have any idea, what the Rohade siblings are trying to accomplish by opening the dimensional door?"

At my question, Yuanna's brow furrowed, and she closed her eyes for a moment as she searched her memory. After a few moments of this, she answered with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I don't know exactly, but what I do know is that it wasn't just an experiment to satisfy the personal interests of Jenas and Anata. There seemed to be quite a few people involved."

She frowned and shook her head in incomprehension. "Actually, I also still have a lot of questions. Before I turned back time, I didn't have the energy to ask them, unfortunately."

It was only then that I remembered her diary, where we all died and she was left alone, wanting to kill herself.

I wouldn't dare say I understood what she was going through. So, I didn't offer her any clumsy consolation. Instead, I asked her.

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