08 | I barely slept

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I remained in bed, the weight of yesterday's shock rooting me there. Memories from the prior events played on a loop, tearing both my eyes and making me physically ill.

Late morning sun filtered into my room, tempting me to stay in. Nearby, muffled voices stirred memories of family chatter, a comforting echo from my past.

I knew I had to face the day. With a deep breath, I left my bed and got dressed. Then, I headed to the onsen chamber.

"Maybe I could receive a massage this morning? For some much-needed comfort after learning of such a big change in my existence," said to myself.

As I descended the stairs from my bedroom, each step felt heavy with the weight of my newfound responsibility. The smooth, polished wood beneath my feet seemed to ground me, reminding me of the solidity and strength I would need to embrace in my new role as Conductor.

The corridor to the onsen chamber was decorated with languish frugality and restraint scenes of woods, water, and earth, leaning away from perfection, completion and excess. The hues were mutted yet lively, as though the threads held nature's spirit.

This chamber is known as a family hub, a place to relax, chat, and tell stories. Perhaps the hot minerals' cleansing effect or the vulnerability of nudity sparked deeper insights into one's character. The soft water sounds and honest chats flowed freely when everyone was laid bare.

When I arrived, I found Ada and Joanne immerse in the onsen as they waited for me.

Their ages were unclear. You gotta listen carefully to their stories to really get what they've been through.

The room is quiet, save for the gentle gurgle of the water features besides the soft ambient lighting and the occasional giggle or laugh.

"Good evening, hot tub ladies.", I announced, "how are both of you?"

"Couldn't be better," Ada said, while Joanne was still waving at me, "You could have come in earlier, we were waiting for you", she added with a smile.

While I was taking off my robe, Joanne said, "We thought you were coming to join us! We made your favourite tea and scones with jam and wagashi," as I tossed my underwear into the hamper, "you gals are at my house's onsen, how wouldn't I come?"

I smiled, as I walked under the shower to take a prior bath before the tub. "Yes, yes, I overslept. I can't even begin to describe what happened—I don't even know if I want to," I acknowledged, leaning against the bench as I removed my commlink from my wrist.

"What divine salts do we have today?" I enquired, taking in the sweet aroma of the lemongrass and orange tree flower in the steam.

"Oh, they're simply delightful!" Ada replied with a girlish giggle.

"Did your flowers get a nice watering?" Joanne chimed.

"They're doing well," I said, rolling the towel over my head. I smiled, and Joanne and Ada looked at each other, chuckling.

The hot tub's surface shone under the setting sun's golden light, mirroring its glow. The water was a pale, shimmering blue, reflecting the dissolving magnesium and salt crystals in its perfect 36-degree bath.

I walked towards the onsen, noticing the warmth of the smooth stones at its base. A calming noise filled the room. Joanne gave me a cup of tea and we both sat back down, the water in the onsen gently hitting its sides.

"Thank you" I said. I brought the drink close to my nose and smelled a mix of honey and mint before taking a sip.

"How did you find your time alone?" asked Ada. "It was indeed very nice, felt longer" I replied, and took another sip.

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