13 | What is this place

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The return is less dramatic after experiencing it once. I have a check-in to attend.

"AI, guide me up to Block 451 of 7V4J+3W at Mixed Grid." Utilising the directions Andreas provided.

"Sure, I'll use my echo-sounder sensors to ascertain way-finding. I don't have this city's layout or traffic situation."

We'll turn off the full self-driving mode, leaving only the driver-assist on. That'll do for getting there.

Bustling streets, my eyes whirl, attempting to capture everything. I circumvent pedestrians not using the crosswalk, and other vehicles honking impatiently, with their led display always showing moody emojis. Neon lights all over, and billboards advertising products I've never seen before; Polystation XS720 gaming console, Rave energy drinks, Gauss Jetpack model-∂. They bait me in, my head twist, trying to handle it all.

With a quick flick of my wrist, I swerve around a delivery truck rudely jumps in front of me. Driving has always been as easy as breathing for me, but here, it feels like sticking to the road is its own little drama.

"Watch it , tourist!" a gruff voice yells as I narrowly avoid clipping their rear bumper.

"Sorry!" I yell back. I need to focus. "C'mon baby, let's show this city what we've got." I whisper, patting the metallic dash, effortlessly hugging turns as I pick up pace.

I glance at the commlink, but no notifications. Sigh.

People here remind me of a busy ant colony, all following a rhythm they don't seem to remember setting. Their eyes are glued to their screens, faces bathed in the soft light of their gadgets. The bright billboards overhead and the worn-out pavement under my wheels feel like an odd pair - it's like watching two different worlds trying to waltz together but stepping on each other's toes instead.

"This place... it's beautiful and rough at the same time."

A snazzy sports car cuts me off, interrupting my thoughts, whoosh right in front of me. What a show-off! I shift gears down and zoom cut him back, also revving my engine and leaving his fancy ride shrinking in my rearview mirror. Clearly, he's just a beginner.

"Mari, i've been receiving notifications from authorities." AI breaks my joy. "We just cut a patrol vehicle, and they are not too fond of our... spirited driving."

I sigh, easing off the accelerator. "No fun allowed in this perfect world of theirs, huh?"

The car trailing me lights up with red and blue, like a disco ball on wheels. "You might want to pull over," my AI suggests in its usual calm tone. I full stop.

I glance at the mirror and spot a man in uniform making his way towards me.

"License and registration," he asks, his voice firm. I scramble in my pockets, all of a sudden aware I don't have the right papers for this city.

"I'm sorry. I'm not from around here..." I begin, but he cuts me off with a cocky wave of his hand.

"Evidently. No one from here daresay drive like that. Where are you staying?"

I give him the address Andreas provided, and he scoffs. "Of course. The Mixed Grid. Full of outsiders who think they can come here and do anything they want."

He types something into his wrist-mounted device and prints a ticket in front of me. "Pay the fine within 24 hours, or face additional penalties. And try to remember, this isn't whatever backwater you came from. We have rules here."

With that, he tramps back to his vehicle, leaving me to stare at the piece of paper. I let out a frustrated gasp, throw it at the passenger seat, easing back onto the road, aware of not cutting off people.

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