10 | Hit the road Mari

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The hazy moon's glow streamed through my window, casting an ethereal glow across my room, where I wrestled with the immense weight of my choices. Flight or duty, it was mocking me. The world outside tempted me with its mysteries and adventures, but the sense of duty tugged at my heartstrings.

"Stop squirming like a hooked fish." I blamed myself as the moon slowly made its way across the sky.

The first rays poked and prodded me as if a persistent alarm clock. My stars on the ceiling faded away. But the snores of Ada and Joanne were reminiscent of a symphony in the background, lulling me into a false sense of security. I tiptoed out of bed with all the grace and agility of a ninja. I stood up and began to pack my bag.

I wandered through my dimly lit spaces as if I were a stealthy ghost of this ecocity. The room had this weird glow from the first lights, like it was saying goodbye to me without making a sound. I picked up my belongings and sentimental items carefully selected to guide me towards an unknown deed.

Clumsily, I tried to fold my clothes, but they ended up in a jumbled mess. My pack grew heavier. A leather-bound journal Ada gave me on a birthday that now feels like centuries ago; Joanne's trusty multi-tool that has been a faithful companion through countless repairs and reconciliations.

Chuckled myself, wondering how they how would react if they had a rebellion brewing inside them, just like me. "Well, this is it," I muttered to no one in particular, but the indifferent walls seemed to nod in agreement, "Today's the day. Today, I choose." like a secret pact.

"Silent farewells are still farewells," I whispered into the cool air, before slinging my pack over one shoulder and turning to take a final look around the room.

It was like stepping out of a painting. A giggle threatening to escape my lips (but quickly suppressed by the gravity of the moment), I turned on my heel and made my way out. Went to the kitchen to make my morning coffee. Ada and Joanne were still sleeping. Ada's snoring was loud. I took my mug of tea and sat down on the porch. I sip my tea while staring at the sky, thinking about the future. Today, I will go on a road trip to another ecocity, a new world, New Eden. Not just my first ecocity to visit, THE first ecocity of them all.

Could finish getting packed filled with fresh food, peanut butter, and water before everyone wakes up, and even more tears would be spelled.

Put on a light long kimono, and a pair of boots, not sneakers. Grabbing my proximity keys from the table beside the entrance, and locked up the door behind me.

Outside, my vehicle greeted me with a hum, its engine purring like an old friend ready for another. I settled into the driver's seat, hands finding their familiar place on the controls. "Forget Ada's profound musings and Joanne's stern warnings," I said with a smirk, "today, it's me, the open road, and the promise."

New Eden is located south west off from here. Its population is known to be around 38 million people, making it the largest ecocity of our planet.

My custom vehicle responded with a chime, acknowledging me as its rightful pilot. This was my ride, my charge, every second of it. "Let's see what you're really made of," I shouted to the wind as I sped out the passageway towards new horizons.

With the dawn's amber fingers painting the sky, I gripped the leather steering wheel tightly. With each passing hour, the weight of my past decisions lifted from my shoulders, yet memories flooded my mind - Ada's tender caresses and Joanne's unrelenting encouragement. They had urged me to leave behind my old life, but could I start anew?

As I drove forward, the open road stretched out in front of me like a blank canvas waiting for my first stroke. "Make sure to keep a safe distance from other vehicles," the AI chimed in with its monotone voice. "And don't forget to regularly check for maintenance." It was almost as if Ada and Joanne intended edited my AI, to offering their guidance and support.

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