Chapter 4

6 3 19

Wolf's Den

Ruby logging in to Wolf's Den 12am

Tsume logging in to Wolf's Den 12am

Ghost logging in to Wolf's Den 12am

Balto logging in to Wolf's Den 12:02am

Ruby: Look who is always late.

Balto: I'm sorry but I have important things to do unlike some people here.

Ruby: Wow, your lips must really hurt.

Balto: What are you talking about?

Ruby: All that ass kissing you've been doing must be hard for them lips.

Tsume: While that was funny, this is serious.

Balto: Why did you call this meeting?

Tsume: I want a review of what happened last night?

Balto: You know what happened better than the rest of us.

Tsume: I need to know that everyone made it into the woods on time.

Balto: Of course I made it.

Tsume: Ghost?

Tsume: Did you make it to the woods?

Ruby: She made it.

Tsume: I want to hear it from her.

Ghost: I'm not sure.

Tsume: What do you mean you're not sure?

Ghost: I'm not sure if I made it into the woods. I think I did.

Tsume: How are you not sure?

Ghost: I turned before I got to the woods.

Tsume: How could you let that happen?

Ghost: I was drunk, damn it. I'm sorry.

Ruby: Yes but I told Balto to get her.

Balto: Don't blame that on me.

Balto: I told you already, I'm a busy person.

Tsume: I asked you to look after her.

Balto: I know but it was getting late and I wasn't going to make it.

Ruby: I called you. You told me you'll be there.

Balto: And I thought I would, but I was wrong.

Tsume: Damn it Balto. If you couldn't do it, you should have told me. I was counting on you.

Ghost: Did something happen?

Ruby: Tsume, did something happen?

Tsume: Yes.

Tsume: It's bad.

Balto: Enough with the suspense. What happened?

Tsume: Ivy was killed last night.

Ruby: Oh my God

Balto: And you think it was one of us?

Tsume: It looked like it was done by an animal.

Ghost logged out of the Wolf's Den.

Balto: I guess we know who did it.

Ruby: This is your fault.

Balto: I know you're not talking about me.


Ruby: This is completely your fault asshole!

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