Chapter 16

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Jordana and Ashner sat in his car as they stared at the Baez house. They could see the residents were still awake by the number of lights on throughout the house.

"I still don't understand why I'm here," complained Ashner.

"Because your boss told you to help me whichever way I needed," answered Jordana.

"She hired you to investigate who shot at Lucy, not to investigate her."

"I'm not investigating her and shut up."

"Did you just tell me to shut up?"

"Yes. You complain too much. How does Isabella put up with you?"

"Oh screw off," said Ashner, turning his car back on. "I'm not doing this."

"Fine. I'll explain to Isabella that I couldn't do my job because you refused to help."

Ashner turned to Jordana. "How is this even helping with your investigation?"

"Okay, I'll let you in since you're so clueless. Children, specifically teenagers, know a lot more than most people think. They tend to eavesdrop on conversations and maybe the teenager inside can give me an idea of who is trying to hurt her mother."

"That's your brilliant plan? Ask the kid if she knows anything?"

Jordana opened the car door. "Just distract the mother while I get the kid's attention." She got out of the car while Ashner reluctantly followed. "You said her room is the one in the back on the left."

"I believe so, and this is a waste of time. I'll buy you five minutes. Don't completely waste them."

Jordana stuck out her middle finger at him as she snuck behind the house. She got up to the window of what she believed was Doramis' room. She waited until she heard Ashner ring the doorbell before knocking on the window.

Doramis pulled the shade and was shocked to see Jordana giving her a quick wave. She opened the window. "What the hell are you doing at my window?" she asked.

"What's wrong? Were you expecting one of your friends?"

Doramis looked back and could hear her mother talking to someone. "Who's at the door?"

"That would be Ashner," answered Jordana as she gave a quick laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"That the tables have turned and I'm the one outside the window."

"So you did see."

"Yeah, you and Kenny boy. You two aren't the sneakiest bunch."

"Are you here to tell my mom?"

"Not at all," said Jordana as she pulled something out of her pocket. "I'm thinking we can work together. I heard what happened to your mother the other day. I'm hoping we can figure out together who tried to hurt her." Jordana offered the paper to Doramis.

"What's that?" asked Doramis as she tried to grab it, but Jordana quickly pulled it away.

"It's a list of the people who were at the hunt," answered Jordana. "That's why you were at the Pietro estate, correct?"

"How do you know that?"

Jordana gave the list to Doramis. "Not hard to guess after I found out what happened. If someone did that to my mom, I would also like to know who it was."

Doramis scanned the list.

"Any names on that list stick out to you?" asked Jordana.

"Not really," said Doramis as she looked back at Jordana. "Why are you doing this?"

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