Chapter 20

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Night of the full moon in August

Jordana arrived at Isabella's house and before she could knock on the door, it opened. "Come in," said Isabella.

"No Ashner tonight?" asked Jordana as she entered the house.

"Not tonight," said Isabella as she closed the door. "I sent him home early. I rather not have him here for this." Isabella led Jordana to her huge living room. "Do you want anything to drink? Wine?"

"I would love some."

Isabella grabbed a bottle of wine she had on her table and poured it into two cups. "Have you been able to figure out who shot at Lucy Baez?"

"Not yet, but I do have some suspects," answered Jordana as she sat down and Isabella handed her a cup of wine.

"Do tell," said Isabella as she sat across from her.

"I'm working with Lucy's daughter and her friends."

"You're what? You shouldn't have involved her."

"She was going to be involved regardless," said Jordana. "That girl is very nosy. I was her original target at first. She didn't trust me."

"What do you mean she was targeting you?"

"She was looking into me. That's a little detective in the making."

"So you turned her on your side. You sure she's not going to tell on you to her mom?"

"She might, eventually, but I do think she'll help before she does. She wants to beat her mother into finding the culprit."

"If there's three people searching for who shot at her, I'm surprised no one has figured it out yet."

"Whoever shot at her hasn't tried anything yet. I think whoever did it, did it by sudden chance. It wasn't planned. They saw an opportunity and took it. More likely tried to just scare her more than anything."

"I think Lucy said something similar," said Isabella. She took a sip of her wine. "It's still a crime, and I need them to pay for it. Who are your suspects?"

"I'll start with the Silva family. They are definitely suspicious, but unless Ken is in on it, it wasn't them."

"At least there's someone else that agrees that the Silva family are suspicious."

"Ashner doesn't think they're suspicious?" asked Jordana, before taking her own sip of the wine.

"It's hard to know what Ashner believes. That man agrees with whatever I say."

"I hope you don't get offended by this, but he is one of my suspects," said Jordana.

"You can remove him from your list," said Isabella. "He would never."

"You're not offended that I put him on the suspect list?"

"Not at all. I know how Ashner comes off. Not the most likable person."

"Why do you keep him around?"

"He's very loyal," answered Isabella, frankly. "And I trust him. I'm actually very grateful to have him."

"Is he more than your assistant?"

"You mean a lover. God no. But he is the best assistant I've ever had."

"Understood, but are you sure I should remove him from my suspect list? Lucy could know something about him that could cause him to go after her."

"I'm positive. I don't think there's any dirt that would compromise Ashner like that."

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