Chapter 18

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Doramis and Lucy arrived at Ivy's tavern which was already filled with people from the funeral. Doramis was about to get out of the car when Lucy grabbed her hand. "What's wrong, mom?"

"Are you sure we should go to this?" asked Lucy. "We can just go home and watch tv."

"You don't want to go inside?"

"I'm not sure. I think today has been sad enough."

"Yes, but this is to honor Ivy. We should go." Doramis noticed Ken arrived with his mothers. "Everyone is going to be here. We should be too."

Lucy saw Sheriff Lawrence's cruiser parked in front of the building. "You're right. We should be here."

"But are you alright, mom?"

"I will be," said Lucy as she looked at her daughter. "Go on ahead. I'll catch up."

"Alright," said Doramis as she gave her mother a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you inside."

Doramis got out of the car and made her way inside the tavern. She was met by Deputy Tirado who stood right by the entrance door. He stopped her before she could go inside.

"Dori," he said, his tone deadly serious. "I know I don't have to remind you, just because you're in a tavern doesn't mean you are allowed to drink. Doesn't matter the occasion."

"I know, sir," said Doramis, her shoulders stiff.

"I hope you can remind my son as well. I'm sure he'll follow your example."

Doramis was a little shocked to hear this from the deputy. "You think he'll do whatever I tell him to?"

"I know he will," said Deputy Tirado. "Can I count on you?"

"Yes sir."

"Where's your mother, anyways?"

"She's coming. Just bracing herself."

"Understandable. Go. My son is probably with the other delinquent."

"Yes sir," said Doramis as she rushed away. She found Robbie and Ken sitting together in the corner of the room. She went to them. "Your father is intense," she said to Robbie.

"Did something happen?"

"Just reminded me that I'm not at the legal age to be drinking. That the occasion means nothing when it comes to the law."

"Sounds like him," said Robbie. He pulled a flask from his inside shirt pocket. "But we don't care."

Doramis sat down right next to Robbie and pushed the flask back inside his shirt. "No. And where did you even get one of those?"

"I borrowed it, of course. You don't want some?"

"No. Your father didn't have to remind me that I'm not allowed to drink. I didn't want to anyway."

Robbie nodded his head towards Ken. "How about you? Want a swig?"

"No thanks," he said as he waved him off.

"Seriously? You guys are the upperclassmen. You should be funner than this."

"We just finished burying Ivy," said Ken. "This isn't a fun occasion."

"Even more reason to drink. In honor of Ivy."

"Fine," said Doramis. "But let's do it in the bathroom."

"Seriously?" said Ken in shock.

"Are we going to do this?" she asked Robbie.

"Let's go."

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