Chapter 14

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The Wolf's Den

Tsume logging in to Wolf's Den 12am

Balto logging in to Wolf's Den 12am

Ruby logging in to Wolf's Den 12am

Tsume: No Ghost again?

Ruby: Doesn't seem so.

Ruby: I told her she should attend but I guess she decided to ignore my suggestion.

Balto: This is a bad look, Alpha.

Balto: You need to exert your dominance.

Tsume: Please stop calling me alpha.

Balto: But you're the alpha, so I'll continue to call you alpha, Alpha.

Tsume: You're doing it because it annoys me.

Balto: Yup.

Tsume: Ruby, what did Ghost say?

Ruby: She agreed to go to the funeral, but it took a lot of convincing.

Ruby: I think you should talk to her before the funeral.

Tsume: Why? Are you afraid she might do something?

Ruby: No. I just think the alpha should exert his dominance on his pack.

Tsume: You're not funny.

Ruby: It was a little funny.

Balto: It was hilarious.

Balto: I literally spat my drink because of it.

Tsume: You're both very annoying.

Ruby: You love us.

Tsume: I have some more unfortunate news.

Balto: O oh. Should we be worried?

Tsume: No more joking around. There was another death last night.

Ruby: What?

Balto: Excuse me?

Balto: Please tell me this is your terrible attempt at a joke.

Tsume: I would never joke about something like this.

Balto: Why haven't I heard about it yet then?

Tsume: It's because of the person it was.

Ruby: Who was it?

Tsume: Domingo.

Ruby: Oh my God.

Ruby: How?

Ruby: What happened?

Tsume: We're not sure yet, but it looks like it might have been an overdose.

Tsume: His body was found around noon this morning.

Ruby: You think it was an overdose?

Ruby: I thought he only drank. I didn't know he was doing drugs too.

Tsume: I think it was an accident.

Tsume: I think he took some medication for something and the mix with the liquor killed him. I won't know until the doctor gives me the report.

Balto: Is Molly doing the autopsy?

Tsume: She is.

Balto: Damn.

Balto: She's having a shitty week.

Ruby: That's all you have to say.

Ruby: Domingo just died.

Ruby: Have some sympathy.

Balto: I do feel bad, but we can't act like we didn't see this coming.

Ruby: Excuse me?

Balto: Domingo was always on the street drunk off his mind. It was going to be a matter a time before this happened.

Balto: Plus, it was Ivy who would look after him the most.

Balto: I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't an accident and he just gave up.

Tsume: Enough of that. We are not going to start rumors.

Balto: Not my intention. Just stating the likelihood.

Ruby: If you thought this was likely, why didn't you do anything about it?

Balto: I thought it was likely now because it happened. I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think about Domingo.

Ruby: Asshole.

Balto: Careful. I don't remember you doing anything for him. Maybe you should look in the mirror before you judge me.

Balto: ...

Balto: Nothing to say, I see.

Ruby: Tsume, did you ever get the chance to question him about Ivy?

Tsume: No. By the time we found him, it was too late.

Balto: Well that's convenient.

Ruby: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Balto: I don't mean anything about it. I'm just saying we lucked out with his unfortunate fate.

Ruby: You're such an asshole.

Balto: I'm just stating the truth.

Tsume: We shouldn't be celebrating Domingo's death.

Balto: That is not what I'm doing.

Tsume: You better not be.

Balto: I'm not. I'm sorry if it seems that way.

Balto: I am saddened by his death too.

Balto: Matter of fact I'm going to do something about it.

Ruby: What do you mean?

Balto: You'll have to wait and see.

Tsume: Ruby, any idea how Ghost is going to handle this news?

Ruby: Poorly

Ruby: Definitely poorly.

Tsume: Then I'll be the one to break the news to her, but I want you there with me.

Ruby: Alright.

Tsume: That will be all. I recommend you pray for this town tonight. We're really hurting.

Balto: Yes, Alpha.

Balto logged out of the Wolf's Den.

Tsume: Dick.

Tsume: He did that on purpose.

Ruby: Yup, and it's funny because it bothers you.

Ruby: Too bad I can't seem to laugh right now.

Ruby: I'm going to bed, but I will pray for everyone tonight. We do need it.

Ruby: Goodnight, Alpha.

Tsume: ...

Tsume: Goodnight.

Ruby logged out of the Wolf's Den.

Tsume: Rest in peace, Domingo. I'm sorry I didn't do more for you.

Tsume logged out of the Wolf's Den.

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