♦ Chapter 4

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Tomorrow Morning...

'I can't believe that because of you two, we were five minutes late.' Temperence signs as they stand in the hallway, before going into their class.

"What?" Lily asks, not knowing sign language.

"We shouldn't have been late, LIAC is leaving soon, Temperence is annoyed with the both of you." Aiden says.
"Really?" Evan galres.

Temperence nods.

"I wasn't lying." Aiden mutters.

"Obviously, asshole." Lily says.

"He's a fish out of water." Evan mocks.

Temp confusedly looks at Aiden.

'Poseidon.' Aiden signs back, talking about his weapon.

'That's an appropriate name for a Trident. They shouldn't be talking, Life and Death and Sun and Moon, that makes no sense.' Tempernce says.

'Exactly.' Aiden signs, before they go to walk into the classroom-

Copper runs past them in the hallway being stopped by Temperance the older student stopping, before almost dragging Temp down the hallway,"Um, Have you seen your brother, I think he left without me and Ace." Copper says pointing to the wheezing Ace now stopping beside her.

Temp shakes her head, signing 'No but my team needs to go to class.'

Copper is silent for a few minutes comprehending what Temp signed, "I See... Ace, I believe he left us at the school to go on his mission with Ivory." Temp let's go of Copper's sleeve; wondering why Lukas would do such a thing, he likes Copper.

Ace coughs a tad before talking, "The faggot."

"A faggot is a cigarette," Copper comments scanning team TEAL.

"Yes he's a walking cigarette." Ace says as Lily chuckles.

"I thought Temperance got him to stop smoking." Aiden states.

"Hah this means that your team is incompatible." Says Evan with a smirk,

Temperance punches Evan in the shoulder 'I'll contact him later if you want.'

Copper shakes her head, "No, Me and Ace will ask Glynda to track them down, and then send us to their area." Ace then leads Copper down the hallway away from team TEAL as Temperance and her team now walk into class 7 minutes late.

On the mission

Lukas holds several jars of tree sap, and discolored water. "I believe we're done here." He mentions to Ivory.

Ivory screws on a lid to the final jar.
With a smile she looks at Lukas, "Yeah, now we make our way back to the school." Lukas piles the jars into a bag he brought.

Ivory follows for a good distance before stopping to look at the sky. "Lukas wait for a minute." She says glaring. Lukas walks back to her, annoyed following her glare at the sky. "What is that?" Lukas asks, having slightly nearsighted vision. "I think it's one of the Atlassian Airships from school..." Ivory says now watching the ship land in from of them. Lukas narrows his eyes noticing Copper and Ace decided to show up. "I thought you guys would've stayed at the school." He comments towards the two now getting out of the ship.

Ace crosses his arms, "Thanks to you, me and Copper could've gone without a passing grade, considering you only got enough substances for yourself." Ace gestures towards Lukas's bag in annoyance. Lukas crosses his arms, "Why does it matter."

"It matters because you abandoned half of your team! You only got half of the work done!" Copper says sternly showing no sign of anger.

"You guys could've got an easier mini mission!" Lukas snaps, his face becoming red.

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