♦ Chapter 18

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A many weeks pass by, Team TEAL and Team LIAC didn't interact with each-other since their accident, the student body shrinking as time went on, seemingly without reason. Then Team LIAC is called to Ozpin's office.

"You all must be wondering what you are ding in my office." Ozpin says, the four teens standing in front of his desk, wearing slightly confused and or angry faces.
"Why would we not be wondering why we're called down here?" Lukas asks being cut off by Ivory.
"Where's Glynda?" Ivory asks.
"She's busy discussing my role as headmaster, in Atlas with Ironwood." Ozpin sighs, as if he missed her presence, looking at the students once again, after rubbing his eyes, "You're leaving Beacon."
The team members exchange confused glances between each-other, before Ace decides to speak "Are you kidding me, we spent 2 years here! Why are we getting expelled?"
"No, no, no, you aren't getting expelled, if this were the military it would be called an hour able discharge. You're being graduated early." Ozpin clarifies, as if he's said this multiple times; which he has at this point the decrease in students as proof.
"Why?" Lukas and Ivory as at the same time, earning a chuckle from Ozpin.
"It will not be safe for you and other fellow students, once Ironwood and Glynda get back, I will be loosing my job." Ozpin starts to explain, Ace interrupting. 
"Why are you loosing your job?" Ace asks.
"With your and TEAL's missions, and one, that team AMBY did behind my back, and the many heinous students Glynda and I let into Beacon; to which I'm taking the blame for, are the reasons why I am confirmed to losing my job. Ironwood on the other hand has picked up more business with enemy forces, that Copper Koyo here knows very much about." Ozpin says, as the teammates look towards Copper, for a second, then in silence before looking back at him.
"Okay we take your discharge." Lukas mutters.
Ozpin gives him a curt nod, "Thank you for not arguing about it, please protect the future generations with the knowledge Beacon has given you." Ozpin says, giving them a salute at his desk, team LIAC doing the same before leaving the office.

In the hallway
"He knew about you Copper?" Ace asks, seemingly worried compared to anything else.
"He knows everything, he just doesn't act on it." Copper states, "Adam Taurus even made his way into this school that's why my parents are at the higher ranks of White Fang power-"
"Figures," Ivory mutters, "first I loose all of my family, then I lose the only home I had left."

"We can stay in Atlas or something like that?" Lukas suggests, "I mean you and the Schnee's might get along."
"Yeah, I doubt that, they'll put me out of business." Ivory states.
"It's somewhere to go."Copper states. "I'm going to Forever Fall, please keep a watch on Ace, and contact me if I an be of use any time soon. This is my fault... I should have never come to Beacon." Copper teleports away.
Ace frowns, "Sorry for being the third wheel here, I have no where to go..." He mutters.
"It's fine." Ivory says.
"So it's agreed we're going to Atlas?" Lukas asks.
"Yeah. It'll be a nice change of scenery, maybe we can, learn about ourselves." Ivory says, as Ace starts walking down the hallway. Both her and Lukas following.

Author's Note; I hope this didn't surprise you at all, because if you have read these stories in order, you should know, that this happens around the same time as Beacon's Battlefield does I guess you could call both stories companion stories for each other. Anyways the story I mentioned along with the others in the last chapter, are on Brandy2256's account. Please read them. Beware we are not done with TEAL's Story yet.

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