♦ Chapter 13

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In the Morning...

"Would Ms. Lavender please report to Mr. Ozpin's office." A voice boomed over the speaker.

Temp jumps out of bed, gets dressed and says goodbye, heading to his office.

Mr. Ozpin's Office...

"Hello, Ms. Lavender." Ozpin voices as the girl walks into his office.

"Hello, Mr. Ozpin." Temperence says.

"I have assigned your team as well as any team of a Second Year, to a mission." Ozpin explains.
"I'm honored, Mr. Ozpin, may Team LIAC come with us?" Temp asks with a smile.
"Yes, the details are in this folder. You may want to get along after you read it, you may read it here, I have given you permission to miss your morning classes, use this wisely, Ms. Lavender." Ozpin voices, returning his watchful glare to the window behind himself.
"Thank you Mr. Ozpin, I will." Temp goes to the library to read over the file, waiting until lunch to meet up with the rest of her team.

At Lunch...

"Which one of you killed my sister overnight?" Lukas asks the three first years from team TEAl, with is own team looking bored standing behind him.

"Aiden." Evan says.

Lukas crosses his arms unamused, "I'm serious though where is she? Shouldn't you know where your leader is at?"

"Hi!" Temp says bounding in. "Sorry I'm late."

Ivory chuckles, "See Lukas I told you she wasn't dead."

Temp tilts her head before saying, "I am very much alive, we have a mission."

"Awesome!" Lily shouts.

"Your first mission congrats." Says Lukas sitting down at a nearby lunch table, with his team.

"We, as in LIAC and TEAL." Temperence explains.

"What!" Ace spouts, "Why? I mean we just got back from yesterday and-"
What type of mission?" Copper asks cutting off Ace's questions.

"A rescue/recruit mission." Temperence explains as Copper nods getting up to go get lunch.

"This is fucking bull-" Ace and Evan start.

"Shut up you get to kill things so it should be fine." Lukas comments, "Where were you?"

"At Ozpin's office, then I got to skip my morning classes to read the file. We are going to the edge of Vale, it's a mission to rescue/recruit a kid named Xavier."

"Sounds cool I guess?" Ivory comments, "As long as it's not near Menagerie."

Ace groans, "You're beyond racist you know that Ivory?"

Copper returns with lunches for her team.

 Temperence Rolls her eyes, then talking about the mission with her brother, privately.

Lukas and Temp stand in the hallway, after Temp dragged him there, "Is there something wrong?" He asks,

"Xavier's file said he had a relation to Emma Charcoal, Aiden's mother." Temp voices.

Lukas thinks for a moment, "Well you do know he doesn't really have any siblings right?"
"He... says that. He had a sister. She was... killed by 'Grimm.' I believe it was Copper and Lily's parents. However, he claims it was Grimm. He doesn't talk about them much, but when he does it's to me. I'm just.... worried about him." Temperence explains.
"I'm thinking it's like a cousin or something?" Lukas sighs, "All I can tell you to do is comfort him if it becomes and issue."

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