♦ Chapter 16

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Lukas with the conscious Copper, and Ivory meet up with the rest of their acquaintances. Evan now being awake on the ship, sitting beside Lily quietly, as Xander and the now awake Temperence conversed, Aiden glaring unhappily, and Ace having his arms crossed standing up agitated. Lukas locked eyes with the hawk Faunus before walking over to the ship to sit Copper down. Ivory crossing her arms, in anger as her form was mostly returned to normal. Temperence voice rings happily;

"I see you guys are safe too! That's amazing." Temp says smiling at her older brother.

"Can someone tell me what's she's smiling about..." Lukas mutters annoyed looking to Aiden for an answer.

"She's been talking to that smuck for the last 15 minutes; after I patched up Evan, Her and that-" Aiden starts.

"You guys a very talented fighters I must say, all of you have very unique weapons too, I usually stick with a dagger or-" Xander starts.

"I don't care what your choice in weapons are, that's why I knocked you out because you talk to fucking much." Ace snaps, as Ivory now stands beside him.

Lukas rolls his eyes, another boy flirting with his sister, and still angry team mates. "Shut up, start the ship-" He starts.

"No." Ace says defiantly. 

"Come on you're the only one that knows how to use this stupid thing!" Ivory whines.

"Come on guys, no more arguing..." Temp mutters as Xander plays with a lock of her hair. Both slightly smiling.

"Don't you dare start arguing with me-" Lukas starts again.

"I'm not arguing, I'm telling you to do it yourself." Ace says, "I have a migraine, that feels like my brains are being smashed with a hammer-"

Lukas glares crossing his arms, "I do not care-"

Evan stands up from his seat on the ship's floor, his arms crossed, his face tense, everyone's eyes fall to him because of the sudden movement. "Okay, all of you. Shut the fuck up! I'm tired of listening to all of you argue for the fun of it! You want to know what happened today? We almost got killed looking for a single fucking Faunus cousin of Aiden, Copper the best fighter here- being knocked out,  fucking bird boy whining about his head, Xander the Faunus with the fish breath flirting with my leader, and You! The fucking bi-polar leader of the older team- Is really pissing me off! Shut the fuck up and sort out your fucking emotions to where I don't need to hear them." He shouts Lily going wide-eyed sitting behind him.

Lukas gives Evan a challenging glare, before shoving Ace towards the pilot's chair. The others collectively sitting down if they weren't already. Sitting on the airship in silence, watching snowflakes fly by the windows as they flew back to Beacon.

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