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Note: This story is based off of Rick Riordan's Heroes of Olympus series. Dialogue is included which is taken from his works. I have modified pieces to fit my own but the only character that is originally mine is Callida.

I pray that Callida is alone when I contact her. Luckily, it's past curfew, and my other kids are usually asleep by now. She jumps at the sight of my Iris message, but she keeps fairly quiet, at least, quiet for her. 

"What's up, papa?" She asks. "Where are you?" 

Her accent catches me off guard almost every time I speak to her. It's strange, a demigod with an accent. I've known her for nine years, and it has faded over the years, but it's still there. I see she's in the bathroom, her toothbrush loaded with toothpaste and ready to go. Her long wavy hair is rolled up in a towel, but luckily, she's dressed in pajama shorts and a tank top. Her olive skin is still glistening from her shower. 

"Olympus." I tell her. "Look, I don't have much time. Zeus will kill me if he finds out I'm talking to you."

"Why?" She asks. "What's going on?"

"Hera is missing." I tell her. "I need you to go find her."

She chuckles, her delicate nose scrunching up. "What?"

"Something is...stirring." I don't want to tell her what we fear to be true. "Zeus believes that we gods need to go back to our traditional ways. That we need to be more distant from the mortal world. That's fine and all, but with Hera gone, it's all out war here. Zeus is being even crazier than usual."

"And you want me to go and find her?" She frowns. "Chiron won't like it if I leave. He's been so anxious since Percy disappeared-"

"Don't tell Chiron!" I snap. "Please. Sorry, I'm just... I just need you to do this for me." 

She thinks for a moment. Callida is an impressive girl. She's one of the strongest fighters at camp, and I have taught her how to use her abilities well. No one expected much from her when she first arrived at camp, being that she's one of my kids, but she exceeded expectations and then some. Most likely due to her grandmother. Out of all my children, she's the only one who seems to have obtained every possible ability I can give to my children. 

Calli shrugs. "Where would I even start looking for Hera?"

"Aeolus might know." I tell her. "But he's... well, he's a tough pill to swallow. I suggest you start with Boreas. He is the kindest of the wind gods, and he may know. Or, he can tell you how to appease Aeolus enough to give you the information you need." 

She frowns. "So I need to go find Boreas to get information from Aeolus, who might know what I need? Sounds complicated." 

I sigh. This Iris message is already longer than I needed it to be. "Please, Calli. Tell no one. Go quickly. If what I fear is about to happen is truly about to happen, Hera will be of vital importance. We need her here on Olympus. You're a smart girl, and a strong fighter. You have impressed me again and again. I ask that you do this for me."

Her face is hard to read, which is rare. "Okay." 

"Okay?" I grin. "Okay. There is a pack waiting for you on your bunk. I have arranged transport for you from Islip to Quebec, where Boreas is." I can't help but smile. "You have made me so proud. I wouldn't ask this of you if I didn't think you could do it."

She hesitates. "Why don't you talk to Chiron and have him issue a quest?"

I know I probably shouldn't send her out without permission from Chiron, or telling anyone, but there's no time for a city hall debate, or to get a prophecy, or any of that. This is time sensitive and top secret. If Zeus finds out, I'm toast. "There's no time, Calli. And Zeus can't know I'm reaching out like this. This is top secret."

She nods. "Okay." A grin spreads across her face. "Call me Rivera. Callida Rivera."

I crack a smile. She got the best parts of me, and the best parts of her mother. She's wise, beautiful, strong, quick-witted, confident, happy, goofy, takes things lightly, and she's a good fighter. And she's so smart. She spends all her free time learning new skills. She speaks multiple languages, she knows how to use the forges with the Hephaestus kids, she mediates conflicts, and for once, people fight over the Dionysus cabin for capture the flag. She's quite an impressive specimen for being a daughter of the god of wine. 

Thunder rumbles behind me. 

"I have to go, Calli. I'm not sure when I'll be able to reach out again. Please, find Hera." 

With that, the Iris message ends, leaving me the image of her smiling. 

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