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"Yes!" I yelp. "Absolutely. I am Dionysus."

Calli's eyes widen. She's definitely the better option to play Dionysus in this little play, but unfortunately for us in this situation, she's a girl. A very pretty girl, but not manly enough to be Dionysus.

I get to my feet and try to match the girls's smile.

The nymph claps her hands in delight. "Wonderful! My lord Dionysus, really?"

Jason, Piper, and Calli rise, weapons ready. I hope it doesn't come down to fighting. These nymphs are quick, and if they decide to go into food-processor mode, I doubt my friends and I would stand a chance.

The Maenads giggle and dance and push each other around. Several fall off the rocks and land hard on the ground, but it doesn't seem to bother them. They just get up and keep frolicking.

Calli nudges me in the ribs. "Um, Lord Dionysus, what are you doing?"

"Everything's cool." I give them a look that says that everything is not cool. "The Maenads are my attendants. I love these guys."

The maenads cheer and twirl around me. Several produce goblets from thin air and begin to chug... whatever is inside.

The girl in red looks uncertainly at my friends. "Lord Dionysus, are these three sacrifices for the party? Should we rip them to pieces?"

"No, no!" I insist. "Great offer, but, um, you know, maybe we should start small. With, like, introductions."

The girl narrows her eyes. "Surely you remember me, my lord. I am Babette."

"Um, right!" I say. "Babette, of course."

"And these are Buffy, Muffy, Bambi, Candy-" She rattles off a bunch more names that all sound similar. I glance at Piper, seeing if this is some sort of Aphrodite joke. These nymphs could totally fit in with the Aphrodite cabin. But she looks like she's trying not to scream. That might be because two of the Maenads are running their hands over Jason's shoulders and giggling.

Babette steps closer to me. She smells like pine needles. Her curly dark hair spills over her shoulders and freckles splash across her nose. A wreath of coral snakes writhe around her forehead.

Nature spirits usually have a greenish tinge, but these Maenads look like their blood is cherry Kool-Aid. Their eyes are severely bloodshot, and their skin is webbed with bright capillaries.

"An interesting form you've chosen, my lord." Babette inspects my face and hair. "Youthful. Cute, I suppose. Yet... somewhat scrawny and short."

"Scrawny and short?" I bite back a few choice replies. "Well, you know. I was going for cute, mostly."

Calli steps uneasily, glancing at the Maenad as if she's ready to get blended to keep her off of me. I have to hide the smile that involuntarily tries to creep onto my face. She's so jealous.

The other Maenads circle me, smiling and humming.

"So, my lord." Babette runs her fingers down my arm. I lock eyes with Cali. She looks completely terrified. "Where have you been? We've searched for so long!"

"Where have I-" I think furiously. I know Dionysus used to work as the director of Camp Half-Blood before my time. Then the gods had been recalled to Mount Olympus to help deal with the giants. But as to where Dionysus hangs out these days? I have no idea. This is a Calli question.

"Oh, you know, I've been doing, um, wine stuff. Yeah. Red wine. White wine. All those other kinds of wine. Love that wine. I've been so busy working-"

"Work!" Muffy the Maenad shrieks, pressing her hands over her ears.

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