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I find Calli with a packed bag, having an intense discussion with Percy, Annabeth, and Nico.

The three of them look concerned, and I wonder if she's snapping on them like she did with Hazel and Frank.

"Hey!" I smile as warmly as I can, hoping to ease the tension.

The four of them fall silent. Calli smiles at me like nothing's going on, but Nico, Annabeth, and Percy keep exchanging glances, then looking at Calli.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Calli is leaving." Percy says.


Calli shoots him a dirty look. "I'm going to Camp Jupiter for a while."

"Why?" I choke out.

She sighs and looks around the camp, that lost look returning to her eyes. "I just can't... I can't be here right now."

I usually love my charmspeak, but right now, I wish Calli and I were the other way around. I wish I could touch her and make her tell me the truth. But I can't.

"Calli..." My voice fails me. How can I expect her to stay here? She and I had a good talk last night. She told me how crushed she felt walking around camp, doing activities like she used to. She told me how much it hurt her to be doing them alone. I'm sure it doesn't help that she sees me and Jason together, or Percy and Annabeth. She has to watch everyone else be happy together while she suffers alone. But still, the thought of her leaving crushes me. Hazel already left, now Calli is leaving too?

"I'll be back soon." She promises, adjusting the bag on her shoulder. "I just need to clear my head. Besides, I have an idea for something, and I have to see if it'll work."

Nico shifts uncomfortably. "Calli, I know what you're thinking, but-"

She clears her throat loudly, glaring at Nico. "What I'm thinking, Nico di Angelo, is that I'm going to go to Camp Jupiter. I'm going to get a fresh start, clear my head, and then come back, safe and sound."

Percy scoffs. "Yeah, is that why you had so many questions about-"

"Percy Jackson!" Calli exclaims loudly, throwing her hands up in the air. "How excited are you? High school this fall? Then college in New Rome? Thrilling!" She punches him in the arm enthusiastically and turns back to me. "I'll be back in a couple weeks. Now, if you guys will excuse me, I'm going to get in my new car that Chiron gave me, and I'm going to California!" She shakes her hands in mock excitement. "A nice road trip to clear my head, then the warm dry air of California! Nothing but good memories there, am I right?"

"Calli." I stop her. "You're weirding me out. What's going on?"

"Nothing." She insists. "Piper, I'm going on a little trip to clear my mind, I'm going to try out this plan I have, and I'll be back in a jiffy."

"What's going on?" Jason walks over, putting his arm around my waist.

"Calli is leaving." I tell him.

"Huh?" He tilts his head. "Why?"

Calli pinches the bridge of her nose.

"Callie has this idea." Percy says, glaring at her. "She's going to Camp Jupiter."

"Why?" Jason asks. "You love it here Cal."

"Look, guys." Her hands are shaking. "I just... I can't-" Her voice breaks. "I have to do this, okay? I need a project. I need to be doing something. Working on something. Trying to fix something. I can't-"

Trying to fix something. I look over at Nico, Annabeth, and Percy. They all have the same worried expression on their faces. I look back at Calli. I have an idea of what she wants to do, but I decide not to say anything. If Calli doesn't do this, she'll always regret not trying, even if it's a stupid idea.

"Well," I give her a tight hug. "Good luck with your project." I drop my voice to a whisper. "I hope you find him."

She pulls back, laughing nervously. Her face is pale. "Um, thanks, Piper. I love you."

"Love you too."

Jason gives her a hug too. Then Annabeth, Percy, and even Nico. We watch from the top of Half-Blood Hill as she loads her duffel bag into an old antique looking car. A Chevrolet Corvette, it looks like. It's hot-rod red, with silver details. It looks very Calli. She puts her sunglasses on, and with her jean shorts and white blouse, she looks like a hippie, about to embark on a trip to Burning Man. All she's missing is a guitar case over her shoulders.

She waves goodbye as she climbs in the car and starts the engine.

"Does she have a driver's license?" Percy asks, tilting his head.

Annabeth scoffs. "Please. She drove the Argo II. A car should be a piece of cake."

"I'm still worried about her." Jason frowns. "She doesn't seem like herself."

"She needs a project." I agree. "An adventure."

"You mean a quest?" Annabeth asks.

"Yeah." I agree. "A new quest. A fresh start."

Percy shakes his head. "If we're right about what she wants to do..."

"If anyone can do it, it's her." I insist.

Percy and Annabeth glance at me, as if surprised that I've figured it out.

"You guys don't actually think she's going to Camp Jupiter, do you?" Jason asks with a frown.

"No." Percy agrees. "I think she's going somewhere else. Somewhere a lot more dangerous."

"Somewhere she's going to hate." I agree. "But, it is a solid project."

Annabeth scoffs. "A stupid project."

"You know Calli." I shrug. "She'll figure out a way."

"Where?" Jason asks.

"The Underworld, to rescue Leo Valdez." Nico replies.


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