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I'm wary of Calli. She seems like she could be so smart, but instead chooses to be silly and goofy. There's a look in her eyes that makes me incredibly uneasy, as if she's gone mad. 

She's reaching into Leo's toolbelt and pulling out all sorts of things. Engine oil, breath mints, welding goggles, sharpies, a wrench. 

"Leo, trust me here." She tells him, dousing her hands in machine oil. She runs her fingers through his hair, slicking it back. 

Leo smiles and closes his eyes, I'm assuming involuntarily. He makes a happy little "Mmm" sound as she runs her fingers through his hair. She blushes but doesn't say anything. I wonder what's going on with those two? They're not a couple, I feel like that would be obvious, but they clearly like each other. 

Calli rolls up the sleeves on Leo's T-shirt and hands me the Sharpie. "Can you draw a skull and crossbones? With a little flag that says 'Hot stuff'?"

"Sure." I tell her, though I don't know why. 

Calli sticks the welding goggles on Leo's head like a pair of sunglasses. She sticks the wrench in his back pocket. 

"What in the world are you thinking?" I ask as she takes another permanent marker and starts writing on herself. 

"We try not to think." Leo tells me pointedly. 

"It interferes with being nuts." Calli agrees. "Just concentrate on moving that Celestial Bronze." 

Calli examines Leo as if she's staring at a piece of artwork. "I know what it's missing." 

She reaches into his toolbelt and pulls out a tube of red lipstick. 

"Why was that in there?" Leo asks her. "I'm not wearing lipstick." 

Calli rolls her eyes. "From the costume party." She tells him, placing the lipstick on herself expertly. 

She grabs Leo and plants a big kiss on his cheek, making him blush. She looks a little pink too, but now there's a big red lipstick mark on his cheek. 

"Echo, you ready?" Calli asks, trying to ignore the grin on Leo's face. 

"Ready." Echo agrees. 

"Leo, you know what to do?"

"Mamacita, I can read your mind." Leo winks at her and struts toward the pond. 

"Leo is the coolest!" He shouts. 

"Leo is the coolest!" Echo shouts back, melding in with the nymphs. 

"Yeah, baby, check me out!" 

"Check me out!" Echo says. 

"Make way for the king!" 

"The king!" 

"Narcissus is weak!" 


The crowd of nymphs scatters in surprise. Leo shoos them away as if they're bothering him. "No autographs, girls. I know you want some Leo time, but I'm way too cool. You better just hang around that ugly dweeb Narcissus. He's lame!"

"Lame!" Echo says with enthusiasm. 

The nymphs mutter angrily. 

"What are you talking about?" One demands. 

"You're lame." says another. 

Leo adjusts his goggles and smiles. He flexes his biceps and shows off his sharpie tattoo. He has the nymphs' attention, if only because they're stunned, but Narcissus is still fixed on his own reflection. I need him to look away before I can move the bronze. 

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