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If weapons had been allowed into the city, my friends would be dead. The Roman demigods in the forum have coalesced into an angry mob. Some throw plates, food, and rocks at the Argo II, which is pointless as most of it falls back down into the crowd.

Several dozen Romans have surrounded Piper and Jason, who are trying to calm them without much luck. Pipers charmspeak is useless against so many screaming angry demigods. Jason's forehead is bleeding. His purple cape has been ripped to shreds. He keeps pleading "I'm on your side!" But his orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt doesn't help matters. Neither does the warship overhead, still firing flaming spears into New Rome. One lands nearby and blasts a toga shop to rubble.

"Pluto's pauldrons." Reyna curses. "Look."

Armed legionnaires are hurrying toward the forum. Two artillery crews have set up catapults just outside the Pomerian Line and are preparing to fire at the Argo II.

"That'll just make things worse." Annabeth realizes.

"I hate my job." Reyna growls. She rushes off toward the legionnaires, her metal dogs on her heels.

Annabeth scans the crowd for Percy. Two Romans try and grab us but we dodge and twist away and into the crowd. I lose her immediately, but I try and make my way towards Jason and Piper.

As if the angry crowd, burning couches, and exploding buildings aren't confusing enough, hundreds of purple Lares drift through the forum, passing straight through demigods' bodies and wailing incoherently. Fauns rush around, taking advantage of the chaos, grabbing food, plates, and cups. I'm incredibly short, and I can't see over the crowd, which doesn't help. I keep getting myself turned around.

A statue of Terminus explodes into existence right in front of me but I push the statue over and keep making my way. I tap as many demigods as I can, sending waves of mass confusion through the crowd. Grapevines extend from my path, trapping Romans in place and generally causing panic as they become stuck. Obviously I'm not hurting them, just trying to tone down the chaos and violence the best I can.

Somehow, I find Annabeth and Percy first. They're in the fountain with Frank and Hazel. Percy is using the water to repel the angry Romans. His toga is in tatters, but he looks unhurt.

Another explosion rocks the forum. This time, the flash of light comes from straight overhead. One of the Roman catapults has fired, and the Argo II groans and tilts sideways. Tears spring to my eyes at the sight of our beautiful ship being damaged.

I notice a figure clinging desperately to the rope ladder, trying to climb down. It's Octavian, his robes are steaming and his face is black with soot.

"Calli!" Percy shouts as he spots me. I'm still spreading mass confusion through the crowd. Every Roman I touch looks around, panicked. Most freeze in place, fall to the ground, or turn and run away. "What happened?"

"I don't know!" I call back.

"I'll tell you what happened!" Octavian yells from the ladder. "The Greeks have fired on us! Your boy Leo has trained his weapons on Rome!"

"You're lying!" I yell back, rage surging through my veins. "Leo would never do that!"

"I was just there!" Octavian shrieks. "I saw it with my own eyes!"

The Argo II returns fire. Legionnaires in the field scatter as a catapult is blown to pieces.

"You see?" Octavian screams. "Romans, kill the invaders!"

"Annabeth, get to the ship!" I tell her. "I'll get Jason and Piper!"

"Can you cover us?" She yells back.

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