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We don't make it to the ship. 

Halfway across the dock, three giant eagles descend in front of us. Each deposits a Roman commando in purple and denim with glittering gold armor, sword, and shield. The eagles fly away, and the Roman in the middle raises his visor. 

"Surrender to Rome!" Octavian shrieks. 

Hazel draws her cavalry sword. "Fat chance, Octavian."

I scoff and summon my thyrsus. "Honestly. I'm quaking in my boots." I say sarcastically, shaking my boot for effect. It's not really a lie. By himself, Octavian isn't scary at all, but the two other guys look like seasoned warriors. Besides, here on the dock, I can't grow my vines. And their visors make it impossible for me to get inside their heads. 

Piper raises her hands in a placating gesture. "Octavian, what happened at camp was a setup. We can explain."

"Can't hear you!" Octavian yells. "Wax in our ears. Standard procedure when battling evil sirens. Now, throw down your weapons and turn around slowly so I can bind your hands."

I turn to Annabeth, speaking quietly. "Throw your knife into the ocean."

It's a long shot, but I know Percy is in the harbor. Maybe if he sees Annabeth's knife in the water, he'll come to the rescue. 

"Let me skewer him." Hazel mutters. "Please." 

"The ship is only fifty feet away." I speak so that Piper and Hazel can heat too. "If I can get onboard, I can use the ballistae."

"Well?" Octavian demands loudly. With the wax in his ears, there's no way he can hear me. He can barely hear himself speak. His two friends brandish their swords. 

Very slowly, using only two fingers, Annabeth draws her dagger. Instead of dropping it, she hurts it as far as she can into the water. 

Octavian makes a squeaking sound. "What was that for? I didn't say toss it! That could've been evidence. Or spoils of war!"

Annabeth does her best dumb-blonde smile and shrugs. 

Octavian seems to buy it. He huffs in exasperation. "You other three." He points his blade at Piper, Hazel, and I. "Put your weapons on the dock. No funny bus-"

All around the Romans, Charleston Harbor erupts like a Las Vegas fountain putting on a show. When the wall of seawater subsides, the three Romans are in the bay, spluttering and frantically trying to stay afloat in their armor. Percy stands on the dock, holding Annabeth's dagger. 

"You dropped this." He says, totally poker-faced. 

Annabeth throws her arms around him. "I love you!"

"Guys." Hazel interrupts. She has a little smile on her face. "We need to hurry."

Down in the water, Octavian yells, "Get me out of here! I'll kill you!"

"Tempting!" I call down. 

"What?" Octavian shouts. He's holding on to one of his guards, who is having trouble keeping them both afloat. 

"Nothing!" I shout back. 

"Let's go, guys." Percy nods his head towards the ship. 

Hazel frowns. "We can't let them drown, can we?"

"They won't." Percy promises. "I've got the water circulating around their feet. As soon as we're out of range, I'll spit them ashore."

Piper grins. "Nice."

We climb aboard the Argo II, and I run for the helm. 

"Piper, get below." I command. "Use the sink in the galley for an Iris-message. Warn Jason to get back here!"

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