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I dream in in a vineyard. The sky is brilliant blue, the air smells of earth and grapes, and the sunshine beats down on me, warming me to my core. It feels so... peaceful. 

"There you are." My father appears from behind a row of grapes. "Gods, look at you. You've made it so far." 

I tilt my head. "You didn't think I'd make it this far?"

"Of course I did." He grumbles. "Just crazy to see it is all. How are you doing, Cal? You feel okay?"

"I'm dandy." I lie. "Couldn't be better." 

He frowns, as if he can't tell if I'm serious or not. "You're taking all this better than I thought you would." 

"So you knew this was going to happen?" I ask him. "You couldn't give me a heads up?"

He shakes his head. "I had no idea, honestly. I had considered it, but I never thought one of my kids would be one of the eight in the Great Prophecy. I don't usually get heroes for children." He spits out the word heroes as if it tastes bad in his mouth. 

"So, you were really just sending me in dark?" I start to get a little annoyed. 

"Yeah." He shrugs. "I had no idea all of this other stuff was going to happen." He examines a bushel of grapes thoughtfully. The plant seems to lean towards his touch. "These three demigods you're with, they seem alright."

I cross my arms. "Yeah, they're great. What's going on, why are you here?"

"I want to warn you, Calli. Don't get an attitude with me now." He glances at me from the corner of his eye. "I didn't know what I was sending you into. But now, you're a part of something much bigger than yourself." 

"I don't want to be." I admit. "I don't want anything to do with this." 

"I'm afraid that choice isn't yours to make." He tosses me a bushel of grapes. "Try these, tell me what you think?"

I scowl. "I don't want to try your grapes. What are you here to warn me about?"

"Try them." He insists casually. "I'm here to warn you about your future. I know you've heard it already, but I'm your dad. I should warn you too." 

I taste one of the grapes, and the flavor explodes in my mouth. Sweet, sour, juicy, perfectly ripe. 

"Good, huh?" He raises his eyebrows at me. "I've been secretly cultivating these since Zeus banned me from drinking. Once that ban is lifted, I'm going to make the best wine to ever have existed." 

"What are you going to warn me about?" I ask. I know my father will talk about grapes for hours if I let him. 

"Right." He frowns thoughtfully. "What was it? Oh, yeah. I need you to make sure you don't get too attached to your friends there. I know Hera said they're your fate and all, but I just can't stand to see you heartbroken. I know you're going to want to get...close to them. But it's not a good idea."

I shake my head. "You're saying that I shouldn't get close to the people I'm going on a deadly quest with?"

He nods. 

"Dad, that is the stupidest bull-"

"Calli!" He exclaims. "I'm just trying to protect you. You can do what you want." 

I sigh. I've never been irritated with my dad like this before. It feels weird.

He glances at me again. "My time is almost up. I need you to understand what you're going up against." 

I stand up straighter. "You know who she is? Dirt-Face?"

He sighs. "Yes, I'm afraid my fears were all too real. The earth mother wakes, right alongside her children." 

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