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Lunch rolled around and went as soon as it did. Like usual, Jaehee and I hung out with Jin, Hoseok, and Namjoon. Jaehee was acting very friendly towards Mr. Sunshine, and I couldn't help but noticed he was reciprocating the friendliness. I think Namjoon noticed it too, because he'd give the two of them weird looks and look at me as if asking 'what are they doing?'

Jin on the other hand wasn't very talkative. He'd respond to things directed at him with nods or hums, but besides that, he was generally quiet. I felt bad, thinking I had something to do with it, but I wasn't sure what to say to him.

I said goodbye to my friends before leaving to what I'd say is my least favorite class. The subject was fine, but the teacher was a different story. Ms. Min targeted me since day 1 and I wasn't sure why but it annoyed me.

As I turned a corner, another student was turning too and I felt as if my life was flashing before my eyes. 'Welp, get ready to feel the embarrassment of a lifetime' I tell myself in an internal sigh, accepting my fate.

However, before any impact could be made, I felt a hand close around my wrist and yank me to the side in just the nick of time. I looked up, startled, and saw that it was none other and Jimin. He was looking down at me too, his eyes a captivating golden brown. We stood like that a couple seconds more before he released my wrist.

His expression was tense, his jaw clenched as he stepped back a few steps. "You should watch where you're going," he said, his voice low. He then spun around and walked away, his strides light. It almost looked like he was gliding.

My mouth was agape and my eyes widened in shock. What just happened?

I touch my wrist where his hand had been, and it was cold. Was he always cold? I guess it made sense, considering the temperature outside right at this moment. However, inside was warm, and unless he went outside for lunch...

I shook my head. I was looking into this way deep. My eyes were fixed on where he had disappeared. Huh...so much for not hanging around him.


I entered the classroom early despite the situation that had happened a couple minutes prior. To my surprise, Jungkook and Taehyung were already seated at their desks. Taehyung instantly saw me and smiled, waving. Jungkook had his head down on his desk, probably asleep. With a small smile, I make my way to my desk when suddenly Jungkook jerks his head up, muscles tense and his hand clasps my wrist, the same one Jimin had touched.

The action startled me, and my first reaction was to try and pull away because...man his skin was warm. Not warm, hot. "Jungkook-" I say, trying to free my arm but his grip doesn't lessen.

His eyes are hard, his nose scrunched up and brows furrowed, as if he smelled something unpleasant. I immediately thought back to the first day I met Jimin, how he had smelled me and covered his nose in disgust. Really? Now I smelled weird to Jungkook? This is just a blow to my ego.

"Jungkook," Taehyung suddenly says, his voice tense, unlike its usual light tenor. "Let her go." He has his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, his grip tight by the way the shirt underneath wrinkles.

As if snapping out of some trance, he releases my wrist and turns away, his hands clenched. Were they...shaking?

"Are you-" I begin but Jungkook cuts me off. "I'm fine," his voice is low and severe. What was with him?

"O...kay," I reply, weirded out and sit down slowly, keeping my eyes on Jungkook. He was hunched over, shoulders tight and he was breathing quite heavily. Was he sick? It sure felt like he had a fever. I turn around to look at Taehyung but his eyes were on his friend, the usual glimmer of mischief in them gone and replaced with alertness. Like he was expecting something...what is happening?

But as soon as I was about to ask, Jungkook seemed to calm down. His shoulders were relaxed and his breathing steady. Taehyung sunk back in his chair, letting out a shallow sigh. I was still confused, looking between the two of them.

"Um...am I missing something?" I say, not sure how to react. Jungkook turns slightly, his lips turned into a grimace. "No," he replies. "I just feel a bit sick. Allergies."

His voice is calm. I almost believe him but why would allergies cause him to grab my arm and shake like crazy? Whatever, he was going to deny anything I ask so might as well just let it go.

I felt a tap on my back and turn around to look at Taehyung. He had a smile on his face, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "So, are you still on for Saturday?" He asks innocently, leaning back in his chair.

"Yeah...Jaehee can come but Jin- ah, said he had...homework," I say. I didn't want to tell him the real reason why Jin wasn't coming. Not that I wanted to spare Taehyung's feelings, it'd just be awkward and it wasn't really my business to say anything.

A sigh of relief came from him and he averted his eyes, quickly covering the sigh with a cough. "Ah, that's too bad...um, me and Jungkook were thinking about that diner across the street from the school. We go there a lot, they have really good food."

I nod, remembering the place since Jaehee and I walk past it in the mornings and late afternoons. "I know which place you're talking about, but I actually have a question," I reply and rest my elbow on his desk. I couldn't see him, but I had a feeling Jungkook was listening in on the conversation.

"Why exactly did you invite us out to eat?" I question, not bothering to beat around the bush. Taehyung blinked and then smiled, as if he had expected me to ask that. "Would you believe me if I said it's a date?" He asked. From behind me, I heard Jungkook scoff.

My brow raised and I tilted my head. "Right, and what's the real reason?"

Taehyung sighed and leaned forward, a serious expression covering his smile. "I'm sure you can guess. We want to...formally warn you."

"Warn me?" My eyes narrow.

He nods. "Yes, warn you. About Jimin and Yoongi."

I find myself rolling my eyes. What is he on about?

"Yeah you're a bit late. Jimin already told me to stay away from him."

The desk behind me shifted, Jungkook whipping his head around and staring at me evenly. "He what?"

I look at him in surprise, frowning. "Yeah..he told me to stay away from him," I smirk, fighting a laugh. "Me and Jaehee think he's in some sort of gang. Honestly I wouldn't be all that surprised if you guys were too, with how weird you act. Kinda like Jimin and Yoongi-"

"Do not compare us to them," Jungkook growled. I give him a look, confused. Taehyung reached over and gave him a smack on the head. "Hey man, knock it off."

He smiled at me and nodded. "Yes, that's what we were gonna tell you. They're apart of a really bad gang and y'know..me and Jungkookie didn't want you getting yourself associated with the wrong sort."

I look at him skeptically, but his eyes revealed nothing. I sigh and tap my desk. "Well, since the truth is out, I guess there isn't a point in dinner, is there?"

Taehyung frowned and folded his arms, pouting. "Hey now, who said we still couldn't have dinner? I've been looking forward to it! Jungkook too!"

I look to the side to see that Jungkook was turned away from us. No doubt he couldn't hear, and he didn't deny it. With a small smile, I shrug. Alright, we're still on for Saturday then.

Just then, the classroom door opened and out came Ms. Evil herself. I groaned and laid my head on my desk. It was going to be a long hour...

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