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"Killings?" Jaehee murmured. "That's bad"

"I know," I say while biting the eraser of my pencil. "They don't even know who the killer is"

"Lets stop talking about murderers and start doing this homework" Jaehee sighed while staring at the paper

I groan and stare at the History paper. Why would that stupid slut of a teacher give us this hard of a paper? This wasn't even fair!

"So you said that our history teacher hates you? I have her a different hour and she seemed nice" Jaehee shrugged

I slam my pencil down. "She is NOT nice! She's a child predator! A slut! Remember she tried to move onto Jumin?"

Jaehee laughed. "You know my brother could just be saying that to boost his self esteem? Not to mention, saying that a young, hot teacher wanted to have sex with him?"

I gave Jaehee a blank stare. "She almost called Taehyung her boyfriend"

"So? Everyone makes mistakes"

I pick up my pencil and angrily erase one of my answers.

"Lets just get this dang homework done" I growl

Jaehee smirked. "Whatever you say, lover girl"

I rolled my eyes, but then something hit me. "Wait, Jaehee we walked back home, what happened to your car?"

Jaehee turned pale. "I'd rather not say.."

I furrow my brows. "TELL. ME."

"Ugh, fine. It got towed because I guess I park in a spot that was " Staff only" Or something. In didn't know that because of that they TOW YOUR CAR!"


"Bye Y/n! Be safe and have a good night!" Jaehee's mom said

I replied with a thank you and walked out the door. I shivered when the cool air hit my face. I hugged my jacket tighter and walked quickly.

I was almost to my house until I heard a strange noise. I turned in the direction swiftly, but didn't notice anything.

My adrenaline kicked in and I walked faster. Someone was out there, and I wasn't in the mood to get killed tonight. Not today.

"You shouldn't be out here this late at night, you know" A voice from behind me warned

I whirled around to see...

"Jungkook?" I exclaim

Jungkook had his arms crossed in a sort of intimidating gesture, staring at me blankly.

"You shouldn't be here this late at night. There is a muderer out" Jungkook spoke again

Still a bit shaken, I scoff.

"I could say the same to you. Why are you out here?"

He hesitated. "Can't say. Too personal. You should go home"

"I was on my way there, actually" I say and continue walking

I heard footsteps and before I knew it, Jungkook was walking beside me.

"What are you doing?"

"Making sure you're not killed"

"I can take care of myself. Is this what you do? Stalk girls so you can find out where they live?" I ask

Jungkook's step faltered and then he picked it back up.

"Is that what you take me for? Can I not be a gentleman and show a lady home?"

"Why would you do it to me, though?"

Jungkook shoved his hands in the back pocket of his jeans. "Why wouldn't I?"

I shrug and looked at him from the corner of my eye. His black hair was ruffled and some strands were sticking up. His deep brown eyes looked straight forward and his expression was blank.

He wore jeans held up with a belt, with a short sleeved black shirt...

"Aren't you cold??" I ask shocked

"Hm?" Jungkook hummed and looked at me. "Oh. No...its not even that cold out here"

I checked my phone. "Its 20°F out here"

Jungkook cleared his throat. "Is your house close?"

"Um yeah. Its right there, actually" I said while pointing to my home

"Good. I'll leave now. It was nice meeting you" Jungkook said and walked away, his hands still tucked in his pockets

I furrow my eyebrows while walking into my house. I opened the door and closed it softly.

My exhausted self sat on my couch. Tonight was weird. First there is a murderer and now a hot guy I only met today walks me home.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring. Well whatever it brings, I'm bringing it here with sleep because I'm tired as heck.

I fell asleep before my head could hit the pillow.

Your Scent• Park Jimin Vampire AU•Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon