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"Okay, Okay dirty habits well you don't say. You don't say. I got dirty in my own veins, cobain. Try to stop me I'm like no way. No way."

"Hey Y/n? School is going to start
soon and I'm not going to be late because your lazy arse won't hurry the heck up!" Jaehee's muffled voice came from outside my door

"Yeah yeah!" I shout back annoyed

Highschool. The place a small bit better than middle school, but none the less scary.

I'm currently in my Sophomore year, trying to fit in. Girls are so much more prissy and mean in highschool. All the sudden, it matters what type of phone you have or what brand of purses you have to be "popular". If anything, those girls have a brain the size of a peanut.

I throw on my shoes and look in the mirror by my door to make sure my hair isn't a frizzy mess. Of course, when I looked it definitely was a frizzy disaster. Oh well.

I open my front door to see Jaehee tapping her foot anxiously.

"There you are! God knows what you were doing in there! C'mon lets go! We're going to be late!"

Jaehee grabs my arm and yanks me to her car.

"Jaehee, we can take my c-"

"And end up in a hospital because you weren't paying attention to the road? Nuh uh! I don't think so!" She interrupted

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it. Why argue when you know Jaehee always wins?

I hop into the passenger seat and gingerly grab the seat belt.


I roughly yank my seat belt over me and I heard a click.

"Jaehee slow down! You're going to get a ticket!" I yell

"Haha! Not today!" Jaehee sang while narrowly missing a moving car

I squeeze my eyes shut and pray quickly.

"Lord please help me! My friend is crazy, mentally insane! She needs to go to a nut house and plEASE DON'T LET ME D-" I start

"We're here!" Jaehee sang and parallel parked

If my hair wasn't frizzy at first It definitely was now.

I slowly and stiffly unbuckle my seatbelt and once we got out of the car I send my friend a glare.

"You said I was the dangerous driver!"

Jaehee shrugged. "Yeah well, I wouldn't have gone so fast if you hadn't been turtle slow getting ready!"

I huff and shake my head.

Students rush to the entrance of the building, not being able to afford a tardy on the first day of school.

Jaehee and I jog with the crowd and make it to our class just before the bell rang.

I gasped for air in my seat and the boy next to me looked at me curiously.

"Are you having a seizure?" His light, positive tone half joked and half concern

I look at him and smile shyly. "Might as well be"

The boy chuckled and held out his hand. "I'm Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin. I'm a Junior"

I give him a sideways look but shake his hand. "Y/n. I'm a sophomore...why are you in a sophomore class?"

Jin gave me an embarrassed grin. "I guess the school is trying to call me a dummy? I got all A's except one B all year last year."

I nod thoughtfully. "Well, you definitely got better grades then I did. I almost got all B's except one A in (favorite subject) because that's my favorite class."

Jin half smiles. "(Favorite class) is actually the class I got the B in. Maybe you could teach me a couple of things, yeah?"

I nod and smile. "Deal, but on one condition"

Jin tilts his head.

"That condition is...if you could become my friend" I say quietly.

Jin laughed. "Sure! I thought you were going to ask for some blood initiation thing...but of course! More friends the merrier!"

I smile but mine and Jin's conversation got cut off when the teacher walked in. He was bald and had on a tie and suit. I might add that he was VERY tall. I felt intimidated on the spot and I straightened in my seat.

"Hello class. I am Mr. Smith and I will be your Math teacher." The man said with a deep, authoritive tone

"Today we will-" Mr. Smith started but was interrupted when an obnoxious knock was heard

He sighed and opened the door. In came two boys who looked to be Juniors. One had stunning blonde hair and a sharp jawline. The other had dark redish hair and a round baby like face. Just as handsome as the other boy.

"Why are we late?" Mr. Smith asked

"Personal issues" The blonde replied. His silky, feminine voice sounded like velvet

Mr. Smith nodded slowly. "Alright. Find a seat. Today we will talk about the procedures and what I expect out of all my students this year"

The blonde boy sat in front of Jin and the one with the dark hair sat in front of me.

With a closer inspection, these boys were extremely handsome. Their skin looked pale and flawless.

The blonde one suddenly tensed up. He turned his head where he could see me. It looked as if he had brown eyes.

His face showed that of curiosity and horror. He swallowed harshly and covered his nose while turning back around.

What? Did I smell that bad? I took a shower this morning. I grabbed a strand of my hair and inhaled softly. The scent of coconut raided my nostrils and I sighed in bliss. No...I don't think I smell bad.

I shrug and continue to listen to Mr. Smith.

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