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After lunch, Jaehee and I parted ways because our classes were not the same. I felt a bit nervous without Jaehee with me but none the less excited to meet a new teacher this hour.

I walk in the classroom. I was a bit early so there was only a couple of people in here.

I sat down at a desk in the far back. I'm not a social person...well not a huge social person.

Minutes after I came in the classroom more people started to fill the seats and before you knew it the class was full. There was one seat in front of me that remained empty, but I didn't complain. The less people around me the merrier. Besides the seat in front of me, there was also one seat behind me empty. Like I said, the less around me the merrier.

The bell rang obnoxiously and in that same second two boys ran into the classroom.

Since the boys were tardy the teacher could've given them lunch detention but decided not to since it was the first day of school.

The boys like every other freaking boy that was late were extremely handsome with round muscles and...really tall.

One of them had plump round cheeks, chocolate brown irises, and black hair. Not to mention he looked sort of...like a bad boy? He always kept straight face.

The other seemed a bit more enthusiastic. This boy had a weird hair color, sort of dark brown with a tint of silver? He seemed pretty happy to be here, meeting everyones gaze with a cute rectangle smile. He finally met my gaze and his smile faltered for half a second before giving me the same smile he gave to everyone else.

Does every late boy have to either not like me or something? Does he think I smell bad too?

I groaned and laid my head on my desk.

I heard someone get in the seat in front of me so I sat up again. The serious one.

His scent immediately came to my nose. He smelled....heavenly? His sweet smell drew me closer to him. I would describe it, but I couldn't. It was so mesmerizing and-

"Miss Kim" An aggravated voice said

I jump up to see my teacher looking at me, clearly not amused.

"U-Um present?" I squeak

The teacher shakes her head and sighs. I knew her as Ms. Min. I've heard stories from other students, mainly from Jaehee's older brother, that Ms. Min finds young students "attractive".

I wrinkle my nose. Jaehee's brother, also known as Jumin, claimed that Ms. Min tried to make a move on him.

I don't really know if he's trying to feel better about himself that a teacher moderately attractive as Ms. Min would find him a possible victim, or if he's actually telling the truth but with Jumin you never know.

"Jeon Jungkook?" Mrs. Min asks while scanning the class

"Hmm?" The hot guy in front of me hums

Ms. Min looked at him for a minute and I saw some strange glint in her eyes.

"Kim Taehyung?"

"Present!" The other guy said

My eyes widen. Isn't he the one Hoseok and the others were talking about?

Mrs. Min starts talking about what she expects of us and the rules and blah blah blah blah blah.

I was listening closely when a tap from behind made me jump. I turn around to see Taehyung.

"Hello. What's your name?" He asks politely

"Um...Kim Y/n" I say

Taehyung nodded and made a face.

"Are you dating anyone? Or do you have a crush on someone?"

I blink and register what he said while my face turns bright red. "W-Wha-? No!"

Taehyung examines me closely and crosses his arms. "Are you lying?"

I huff. "Does it look like I'm lying? I've never dated anyone in my life."

Taehyung's tough vibe immediately went down the drain as his face went into a nervous break out.

"I-I didn't mean anything to offend you! I just thought- WE thought you were dating a guy named Jimin"

I broke out in a cold sweat. "You mean the pale guy? No we're not- wait we?"

Taehyung pointed in front of me to Jungkook, who slept peacefully.

"Jungkook and I. Jimin just seems....off. Both him and Yoongi" Taehyung said lost in thought. I knew he was hiding something by the faraway look in his eyes, behind this weird fiery flame

I swallow. "You don't like them?"

"Not at all" Taehyung says bluntly "You shouldn't be around them"

"Why?" I dare ask

Taehyung stares at me but then shrugs and leans back in his seat with his long arms behind his head.

"If you're really curious you'll find out yourself. It isn't my secret to tell"

I squint thoughtfully.

"KIM Y/N!" I voice shouted

I whip my head around to see Ms. Min glaring at me.

"Stop flirting with my bo- Taehyung!" She shouted but stuttered

Was she about to say what I thought she was going to say?

"Yes ma'am. I apologize" I say while looking down with a red face

Ms. Min goes back to talking and I look up to see Jungkook looking at me with a curious gaze.

Hey guys! So I'm wondering if I should make this into some sort of love triangle between Jimin, Jungkook, and Tae. Just tell me and if you think its a good idea reply 'Kookie' if you don't like it and you want it to stay Jimin, reply 'Mochi'

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