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The weekend came by really fast

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The weekend came by really fast. The rest of the school week since Jimin had saved me from ramming into a classmate went by without much incident. Jin came around to his normal self, cracking jokes and being overall a good friend. Namjoon, being the overly smart guy, has been helping us all with our class work. He's a Saint, that man. Hoseok...has been a bit strange.

Nothing really too out of the ordinary. But on a normal day during lunch, he could hardly finish a tray of food (Jin and Jaehee would steal the food he didn't eat and because they did it everyday, he'd just give them it when he was done). But just a couple days ago, Jin had reached for his roll only for Hoseok to smack his hand away. Jin looked at him wide eyed while rubbing his hand. "Hey! What'd you do that for?"

Hoseok shrugged and took a bite. "I'm just hungry today. No sharing." We all had looked at him in surprise.

"Who are you and what have you done to Hobi?" Jaehee joked, earning a small smile from him. She had already finished her food and to her surprise (and the shock to Jin), he had tore his roll in half and gave one piece to her.

She vividly blushed as she took it and I shot her a glance. She glared back at me and took a bite while Hoseok finished everything else on his tray.

On the walk home, Jaehee kept on gushing about him, saying that he was such a gentleman and that he was so handsome and just going on and on and on.

"Doesn't he give you his food everyday anyway? Why is this time so special?"

"Because! He refused to give it to Jin but he gave some to me! That's gotta mean something, right?" She practically yelled.

"Hey, not so loud," I shush her, looking around. "And maybe he was just practicing chivalry? I mean, he's known Jin and Namjoon for a long time but only met us quite recently. Maybe he just isn't at that level to not be polite and share?"

Jaehee rolled her eyes. "Right. Hoseok tore his roll in half to be 'chivalrous.' You know how stupid that sounds?"

I gave her a smack on the arm and she returned it.

"But whatever," she shrugged. "I was just surprised Hobi even finished his food."

I chuckle. "The man could've just been hungry. We have those days too where we're practically bottomless pits."

Jaehee scoffed and crossed her arms. "Right, but it's not strange for me and you. But whatever, you're probably right. It was just a little weird since he's never eaten that much at lunch before."

I smile at her, elbowing her side. "We haven't known them for very long though. And I think the romance in you is talking, Jaehee." She didn't reply, but turned her face away, but I caught a bit of pink.

After that day, the following one we went to the cafeteria for breakfast and stopped in our tracks, eyeing Hoseok with wide disbelieving eyes. "Woah.." Jaehee said, her jaw slack.

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