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"Jungkook WALKED you to your house??" Jaehee exclaimed while we walked to school

"Yes..It was a bit creepy"

Jaehee scoffed. "Creepy? Have you SEEN all the hot guys in this school lately?"

I shake my head. "It doesn't matter how hot they are. They still can be creeps"

"Girl you're missing the point.." Jaehee sighed and we dropped the subject


"Psst, Y/N!" A voice whispered

I yawn and turn to see Jin looking at me anxiously.

"What's the answer to problem 13?" He asks

I turn my gaze to Mr. Smith to see him on his computer. I turn back to Jin.



My lips tug into a small grin. "Welcome"

I heard a quiet giggle and turn to see Jaehee making a heart with her hands and pointing to Jin. I widen my eyes and shake my head vigorously. She just wiggled her eyebrows and turned back to her work.

I rolled my eyes and huffed. Jin was handsome, I couldn't deny that, but he just wasn't my type. Sure he was nice, funny, and silly, all the things I find great in a boy but... He just wasn't the one for me. But the longer I stared at Jin, the more that I could see that he actually WAS my type. He seemed like the kind of guy that could be a bad boy.

I looked back down at my work with a small blush. After a bit of working I felt like I was being watched. Did Jin want another answer or something?

I look up and him to see him not even looking at me but at his paper.

I scanned the room a bit then locked eyes with the blonde haired boy, also known as Jimin. When I met his gaze he didn't so much as blink, or look away.

He swallowed harshly. Was this guy crazy? Were all the boys in this school nuts?

The bell rang and I stood up and gathered my things. I felt someone standing in front of me and sighed.

"Yes Jaehee I'll help you with the math later just wait until-" I froze when I came face to face with Jimin

"Hello. I don't think I've properly introduced myself, have I? I'm Park Jimin, and you're Y/n?"

I opened my mouth to say something then closed it. Why won't the words come out of my mouth?

Jimin stared at me, waiting.

"U-Um yeah uh, I'm Y/n. N-Nice to meet you" I stuttered and inwardly facepalmed. I must look like a complete idiot to him

Jimin shifted his weight to his other leg and looked like he was going to say something but Yoongi called his name from the doorway.

Without a word Jimin turned around and walked away.

I stood by my desk dumbfounded for a few seconds before grabbing my bag and walking through the door.


"So what did Jimin say to you??" Jaehee asked impatiently

I nibbled on some celery lost in thought.

"Yeah what did he say? He didn't say anything rude, right?" Jin asked

The lunchroom buzzed with with laughter and conversation. The teachers tried to rush a couple of students eating so other students could have a turn.

"No, he just introduced himself" I shrug

Jaehee sighed. "Really? That's it? Where's the romance in that?!"

I spit out a piece of celery. "Romance?!"

"Well yeah! Ever watched Twilight? This is like a Bella and Edward love story!!" Jaehee said dreamily

"But I'm not a sex hungry girl like Bella, and Jimin isn't a vampire" I scoffed

Jaehee didn't hear me and pointed to the salad and fruit bar. "You should go get an apple and "accidentally" drop it. Maybe Jimin will catch it"

Hoseok started to laugh and Jin smiled. Namjoon shook his head but he had an amused expression.

I huffed and stood up. "I'm finished. Are you guys done?"

(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)


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