baking mishaps~ travis phelps

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{I made a new oc i wanted to use so it will switch sometime 😅}

It was a regular Sunday in the quaint little apartment that travis and tody owned. It was currently 2 pm and both travis and his boyfriend decided that they would try and cook!

So the two got out the ingredients and.... failed miserably....

For the start they were destined to fail for one they didn't have to right ingredients. "I'm sure this will be a fine substitute! Right?" Toby chucked lightly as travis shrugged his shoulders. Then they forgot to pre heat the over.

"Ehhh.... toby we didn't pre heat the oven..." Travis said staring at the cold and turned off oven. "Oh" was the only reply he got. So as the two waited for the oven to pre heat Toby decided to throw flour at travis unintentionally he ended up with flour in his eye.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm so so sorry!!" Was Toby kept repeating as he helped Travis was out the flour. Travis got him back later by pouring flour on his head.... which led to a lot of cleaning and sneezing for both men later on.

Travis quickly put the cake in and the two flopped down onto the couch. "Right now we just sit and wait for it to be done" Travis said letting out a huff. "Yeah but now I get to cuddle you for hours!!" Toby said snuggling into travis. As the too cuddled while they waited for the cake Toby realised that something smelled burnt.

"SHIT THE CAKE!" was all he said running into the kitchen to take the sadly burned cake out the oven. "Well there goes dessert for today..." Travis sighed hugging Toby from behind and resting his head on his shoulder in defeat.

"Hey don't be sad! We had fun didn't we?" {M/n} said turning around and looking at travis. "We did. Might not have been the best but it was fun to bake with you... even if you got flour in my eye" he laughed as {m/n} pouted and reminded travis that he was sorry and that he'd get him next time.

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