id do it again~ todd x neil

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[They aren't appreciated enough 😭]

Hanging from the altar of the devourers of god, Todd looked dazed fighting the possession of the red-eyed demon. He had been there for what felt like an eternity until two more people were dragged into the main area. Todd had blacked out as the demon took control but once he regained consciousness he saw the two new people hanging from the roof and his heart dropped. Hanging there was Neil slowly losing all the life he once had. “Neil… no…"Todd whispered and a tear ran down his face. “It's…gonna be okay…” Neil whispered back to him. Todd wishes more than anything that Neil wouldn't have been involved but here he was being strung from the roof dying for a clut he had nothing to do with Ashley, Sal and Larry had finally defeated the cult after years of trying Ashley quickly ran to Todd and helped him out.

“Neil, we have to help him..” Todd panicked trying to stand up. “Todd he might not make it out of here…'' Ashley trailed off grabbing Neil down from the ceiling. The two walked back to the house the gang once lived in, well plus Sal who was strangely possessing Ashley's arm. Todd shook his head not wanting to think of the logistics of the situation. They unlocked the door and placed Neil on the couch as Ashley went to get proper bandages to help Neil and try and help him recover. Todd sat down on the floor next to the couch holding his hand as he tried not to panic more. Neil gave Todd a small smile as if to say “I'll be alright.”. “Well this should help but he lost a lot of blood ... so it may not heal "Ashley shared as she wrapped bandages around Neil's neck making sure no more blood would be lost. For days and nights, Todd stayed with Neil and took care of him even though Neil tried protesting but Todd was having none of it.

It had been a few months since everything happened. Sal had been managing to stop the corruption between hopping worlds, Ashley had been helping around the house and taking care of Gizmo, Neil had slowly gotten better and had been able to help Ashley and get back to a normal life. As for Todd, he was still struggling to control the possession to his advantage. He was currently in the bathroom looking into the mirror at his permanent red eyes, Neil walked in and stood behind him laying his head on Todd's shoulder. “You still look beautiful to me…” he said, kissing Todd's cheek. “just reminds me of everything…” he turned to face Neil and looked into his eyes. “You almost died… we put you in danger..”
“I went with Ash because I loved you too much to let you go and if that meant I had to die I would've” he said holding Todd close to him.

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