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The next day, Korra and Naida were stuck on the island by Tenzin's supervision. While Korra trained with Jinora and Ikki, Naida trained with one of the guards, Niko. He was probably around her age, a year older or two.

He sent multiple rocks against her which she quickly dodged under and flipped over them. Naida flipped her arms beside her as two long strands of water appeared, the points hardening into ice. Just as Niko destroyed it, Naida charged at him and slid in a circle, her leg meeting his as he fell onto the floor with a thud.

"And 1-0 for Naida." She spoke and helped him up. "Nai~" Korra called over. Her hand still being in Niko's she turns her head towards them, "Isn't that, that fire-headed guy that drives you crazy?~" Jinora teased. Naida turns her head towards where they had pointed and noticed Mako coming towards them.

"He doesn't drive me crazy, like crazy in love! He-" Just as she scolded her siblings, Korra turns her around towards Mako as she quickly moved her finger away. "Mak-" Ikki began to speak and was thrown back by one of Naida's attacks.

She clears her throat as Mako glanced over at Niko, "So, uh-what's up?" Mako's attention was brought back to Naida. "Have you guys seen Bo anywhere?"

Korra simply shook her head in denial, "No, Why? What's wrong?" Naida questioned. "He wasn't home. You know how he always gets himself in stupid situations. See you later."

Just as Mako turns around, Naida was once again pushed by Korra. She sends her a glare as Naida grabs Mako by his wrist, "Hey. Bolin is also my friend, you're not going around searching for him alone."

Korra then approached us and agreed with Naida, "She's right, city boy. We can take Naga, she's a great tracker.."

"And she's more unseen than Drogon." Naida added.


Mako had agreed and the three of them walked around the city on Naga's back. The three go to Central City Station, where Bolin usually hangs out.

Mako approaches one of the street kids, Skoochy, who only gives information for a price. After Mako gives him some yuans, Skoochy tells them that he saw Bolin leaving earlier with Shady Shin and mentions that other criminal gangs are preparing for a turf war.

Naida shivers at him name as the two used to be a thing back in the day.

Fearing that Bolin will be caught in the middle, Naida, Mako, Korra, and Naga race to the Threat Triad's headquarters. On the way, they find Pabu,

"Woah, Naga! Pabu's a friend, not a snack." Korra said to her polar bear dog as the two, Naga and Pabu sniffed each other. The red ferret then ran over to Mako and rested on his shoulders.

They arrive at the headquarters as Korra and Naida kick the locked doors down with Mako peeking out at the side.

"Bo, you in here?!" Mako yelled. "Bolin!" Naida yelled, but the two received no answer.

They hear a sound, and exit through the back. They spot a group of masked individuals carrying off several triad members in a truck with Bolin in tow. "Bolin!" Mako yelled.

Just as the three were about to approach, the masked ones had already thrown two cans of green smoke.

Naida,Korra and Mako chase them on Naga, but are stopped when two thugs block their chi, leaving them motionless on the ground. Naga and Pabu scare off their attackers, "I can't bend!" Korra yelled out frustratedly.

"Calm down. Those were Chi-blockers." Mako said and helped Naida on her feet.

"Also known as the Equalists." Naida added, "They're with Amon." Mako informs the Avatar,

"Amon? That anti-bending guy with a mask?"

Naida nods as Korra was still confused what they would want with the Triple Threats.

"Whatever it is, it can't be good." Naida informed her best friend as Mako grabs the bridge of his nose, "I can't believe Bolin got himself right into this mess!"

"Mako," Naida places her hand on his shoulder as he looks up at her, "We're gonna get Bo back. Don't worry."

The two continue looking all night until Korra decides to seek out the Equalist protester she saw in the park when she first arrived in Republic City. 

Naida was the first to get sleepy. Her head kept falling and Mako noticed that. In respond, he carefully places her head on his shoulder as she drifted into a sleep.

"You care about her, don't you?" Korra suddenly blunts out. Mako looks at the sleeping Naida and back onto the floor, "Just like I care about Bolin. Can I tell you something without you telling her?"

Korra nods, "You are her best friend, right?" The avatar nods again. Mako sighs, "Ever since we were kids, I had this huge stupid crush on Naida. When we were doing some stuff for the Triple Threats, she got involved into something with their leader, Shin. The two had something, he lead her on and I couldn't watch him hurt her, so we left. I know how Shin is and I wouldn't want that kind of guy for her."

Korra listened carefully as he glanced at her because of the silence. "That's- wow. You didn't just have a crush on her, you love her, Mako." 

Mako sighs again and glances at Naida, "That's the thing. I love her while she only sees me as an younger brother."

The two later fall asleep, Korra on Naga's tail and Mako had his head rested on Naida's bun. They are abruptly awakened in the morning by the protester's usual Equalist propaganda. "Is that him?" Naida questions Korra as she nods.

"Take back your city! It's time for the-" He stops as he sees two furious women walking towards him and Mako with Naga and Pabu behind. "You again," He then brings the megaphone back to his mouth and points at Korra, "You cannot silence me, Avatar!"

Naida in respond shoves his megaphone on the floor-breaking it. "Shut your yappy ass and listen up! Our friend got kidnapped by Chi blockers, where are they taking him?"  She spoke.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!" He yelled back at her, Naida furrows her eyebrows in respond. "Oh, I think you do." She smashes her leg against the table, making all the fliers fall onto the floor. Korra and Mako share a stunned look.

"What's this revelation?" Mako questioned and the man answered it doesn't concern the three of us. Korra grabs him by his collar and lifts him in the air, "You better believe it concerns us. Spill it."

The man informed them that he has no idea what happened to Bolin nor where he is. "Hey, what's going over there?!" A police officer blows his whistle,

"Oh, not again!" Naida yelled and got on Naga as they run away from the scene with couple of fliers.

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