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That night, Naida knocked on Korra's door to comfort her and to see how she is

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That night, Naida knocked on Korra's door to comfort her and to see how she is. In surprise, the room was empty. Looking out of her window, she spots Korra already on the other side of the water. "Tarrlok." Naida quickly realises and runs through the halls as quickly as she can without waking anyone. She ran into the dragon pit where Drogon was awakened by her sudden emotional change.

"Come on, Drogon." She quickly places his saddle on and walks to the shore with him following. Naida quickly flies over to the City Hall only to spot Naga. She lands beside her and quickly gets off of Drogon and towards her. "Naga." She embraces the Polar bear dog and instructs Drogon to stay put next to Naga.

Glancing up at the half full moon, Naida runs inside and already hears a fight escalating. She gets her water-skin ready and kicks the doors open. Just as Tarrlok walked up to the weakened Korra, He was blasted from Naida's attack.

The councilman gets on his feet quickly, "Naida.." Korra mumbles out weakly as she tries to warn her but fails. Naida felt every muscle in her body tighten, her bones cracking as shivers went through her spine. Her eyebrows furrow in anger as she notices Tarrlok with a grin on his face. "That's all you have-Agh!" Her shoulder cracked as she fell onto the floor.

"You know you remind me of your mother. Your real mother." Tarrlok said with a grin as both Korra and Naida were thrown back by this.

Tarrlok's eyes widen at the scene as she slowly got up on her legs, resisting his bending with her eyes flashing the same colour as the moon.  Next thing Tarrlok knew, his bones were cracking and was kneeled down to the floor.

"You are a blood-bender! A blood-bender that can use her abilities when the moon isn't even full! Your mother was so pathetic..just like you."

Naida's eyes flashed back to normal as her expression relaxed, "My mother.."

Tarrlok used this distraction and blood-bended Naida, sending her flying through the walls of the City Hall.

He subsequently ties up both; Naida and Korra and throws them in the back of a truck, telling Korra that he is taking them somewhere far away from Republic City, where she will never get in his way again. She is barely able to let out a breath of fire before Tarrlok shuts the door and starts driving toward parts unknown.


Naida woke up to the sounds of pounding and screaming for help. She weakly glances around and notices she's locked up in a metal box. "K-Korra,what happened?"

Korra stops with the pounding, "We were fooled. Tarrlok is a blood-bender and probably related to Yakone." She said in a low tone. Naida weakly gets up holding her palms the sides of the box for support, "I just remember that I came to save you. Then he did blood bend me,but..." Her eyes widen at the realisation,

"I-I resisted it."

Korra exhales, "Naida, I'm sorry to break it to you..but you blood-bended Tarrlok without the full moon."

Naida slides onto the floor with her back, shocked by this. "No.."

"I'll try and get to contact with Aang,again. I'll get us out, don't worry." Korra says and gets into a meditation stance.

Naida nods as her eyelids slowly fell.

Baby's cries were heard as she got wrapped up in a blanket. The doctor frightened handed the baby to its mother. "You can leave now." A long haired short man threatened as he watched his friend grab the baby with her ice tentacles.

"My daughter .."

The woman said in a shocked but kind voice. She had long black hair that were held in a half-up half-down bun and dark grey irises.

"She's perfect." The woman said as her eyes shined at the sight of her daughter, "Ming-hua, we must leave at once." Another man said to her.

The mother, Ming-hua glared at the man beside her, "You just can't leave me with my baby for 5 minutes, Ghazan?!"

Ming-hua glances back to her daughter who peacefully slept in her tentacles, "She has arms and legs and everything. She's nothing like me..that's good."

"Let's just hope, she will become what she was born for and fulfill her destiny."

Ming-hua lifted her head slowly, creeping through strands of her hair. "My baby will be the most powerful, Zaheer. The whole world won't stop her."

"Naida." Korra's voice echoed through Naida's head as she slowly opens her eyes. "Amon is here. We need to think of a plan, quick."

Naida's eyes widen open as she hears a thud from upstairs, "Electrocute the Avatar, but spare her friend." Amon ordered as footsteps were heard coming downstairs.

As Lieutenant opens the box finding what seems to be an unconscious Korra, the Avatar attacks them with firebending and incapacitates them with earth-bending.

Naida's box opened as her eyes met Korra's. She notices behind her the unconscious Equalists and glances back at Korra, "Come on."

The two rush out of the cabin from a distance, manages to get a glimpse of Amon abducting Tarrlok. "Go!" Naida yells at Korra and waterbends sharp icicles at Amon. She runs after Korra and slides down the mountain only to find her unconscious by the tree. "Korra!"

Naida quickly slides down to her friend and places her head into her lap, waiting and hoping for someone to rescue them.

Naida fell asleep from her body being weak and hardly to stand. The two were woken up by Naga, who had Drogon by her side.

Korra grabs onto her polar bear dog for support as Drogon helps Naida stand with his head. The two get on their animals as they return to Republic City.

"Naida! Korra!" Tenzin exclaims at the view of his daughter and Korra. Naida weakly lifts her head and tries to clear her vision, "How did you escape?" Tenzin questions his daughter with Lin by his side, "Where is Tarrlok?" The previous Chief questions.

"Give them some space!" Mako interferes and pushes them aside. He lifts her off Drogon and carries her toward Oogi while Bolin does the same with Korra. "You okay? Did he hurt you?" Mako questions and glances down at the weak woman. It was his first time seeing Naida in this kind of state where she couldn't even walk. "I was so worried about you.."

"I'm just tired, but I'll be fine. I'm glad you're here." She smiles and rests her head on his chest.

Mako carries her up and lays her down at the back of Oogi's saddle. He brushes her hair out of her face and brushes the scar on her face with his hand, "You're safe now."He reassures her as Naida slowly fell asleep.

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