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The next two days, Naida laid in her room, not caring anymore about anything

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The next two days, Naida laid in her room, not caring anymore about anything. Her family was worried by this as Korra tried to apologise multiple times, but was stopped by Pema who said to give Naida some time.

Naida laid in her bed, resting her head on her arm as she ran her hand over the middle-sized Drogon who was curled up next to her.

"Step back or I'll use my fart-bending abilities!" Naida heard Meelo's voice outside of her room. "Meelo, Mako and I need to talk to her." Korra spoke,

"Mako?" Naida sat up at the sound of his name, Drogon glancing at the doors. "I said No!"

"Yeah, he said no!" Ikki's voice was also heard as she supported her brother and extended her arms, protecting the doors. Naida stood up and peeked out of her room, "Naida.." Mako spoke, his golden eyes connecting with her tired ones. The girl crouched down to Meelo's and Ikki's level, "I don't want to talk to them." She whispered as Meelo nods.

The doors were shut close by Naida as Meelo repeated her statement to the two, "Hey!-"

The doors were kicked open by Korra's foot. Naida sat on her bed as Drogon carefully crawled to her, growling at the two. "This is getting out of the line, Nai. You can't live like this!" Korra exclaimed as her best friend kept quiet, looking down at her feet.

"Naida, we really are sorry. I didn't know-"

"Of course, you didn't." Naida scoffed on Mako's words and looked to the side. "Naida, please." Korra crouched down in front of Naida and held her hands. In respond, she shoves Korra's hands away,

"It is what it is. Now please, the exit is that way." The water bender spoke and motioned her hand to the doors as she kept her head lowered. 

Korra sighed and gave up. She exited the room as Mako stayed, "Naida, I don't pressure you to talk to me, but please listen."

Naida nodded. Mako pulls up a chair opposite of her and sits down, "I'm sorry for what I did, really. Korra kissed me and I don't know what went through my mind not to think about yours or Bolin's feelings. I know this isn't an excuse for what happened, but at least think about yourself. I don't want to see you in this state and for me to be the reason of it."

Naida kept quiet and glanced at Drogon who watched her with worried eyes, "You're dating Asami and you should rather go explain what happened than apologise to me."

Mako with sad eyes stood up from his chair,  "I'll see you later." Naida simply nods and Mako glances at Drogon who was already standing on his feet. He quickly exited the room as Naida calmed down her dragon. 

Later that night, Mako finds the two of his teammates already dressed in the locker room. Naida stood by the balcony, leaning on it as Bolin sat on the bench with lowered head.

Round 1 started as the three were quickly thrown back to Zone Three, to poor group communication, lack of teamwork, and internal struggles, but Bolin and Naida only manage to avoid a total knockout due to the time running out.

Round 2 started which resulted Mako being the first to be pushed back into Zone Two and accidentally hitting Bolin in the back with his fire bending. Bolin lost his focus and was knocked out of the platform by the opponent's water bender.

Naida grabbed the man that knocked Bolin and threw him in the air with the water. She wrapped the water around his waist and slammed him onto the ground, earning a whistle from the judge. "Unnecessary roughness! Move back one zone!"

Naida bended the water and sent a blast towards the judge in frustration, "I'll necessary rough you up!"

She received the yellow fan as in respond, Naida stick her tongue out at the judge and walks past Mako.

Before the third round, Naida attempts to bring back some of the former team unity and motivate her teammates for one last effort, fearing that they would regret it later if they would not give it their all now.

However, the brothers are quickly knocked back a zone, and after Bolin takes an earth coin to the shoulder and ends up injured, they are both knocked out of the ring, leaving Naida to fend for herself.

'Okay, Nai. You got this.' She thought and took a deep breath. She dodged every element the Buzzard Wasps threw at her and threw multiple attacks at the three, showing them a zone back.

Naida created a whirpool around herself and sent a strong attack towards the three, knocking them all out into the water. "What an excellent save by Naida everybody!" Shiro Shinobi yelled into the microphone and announced the win for the Fire Ferrets.

"That was freaking amazing!" Bolin yelled as Naida joined her teammates in the locker room. "He's right. Thanks for not giving up, I owe you."

"Thanks. I decided I won't be arguing over some kiss, so we good." Naida said as Mako sends her a warm smile.

As they reconcile, the White Falls Wolfbats enter the locker room for their match, with Tahno taunting the Fire Ferrets. "I hope we'll see each other in the finals, then we'll see who the loser is." Naida pointed her finger at Tahno who wasn't impressed by her statement.

While the Wolfbats fight it out in the ring, Asami enters the room to congratulate them, "That was very impressive knockout, Naida."

Naida scratches the back of her head awkwardly with a smile, "Thanks. We wouldn't be here without you and your father, so thank you for that."

As Bolin writhes in pain, asking for medical attention, Naida comes to his aid. As she touches his injury, he screams out in pain again. "Relax, I'm a healer. Katara taught me." She water-bended the water from the bucket and places it on Bolin's shoulder as it began to glow.

Shiro announces the end of the match, declaring the Wolfbats to be the winners with a brutal first-round knockout. "What? Already?" Naida questions standing up.

The three were shocked by the sight of the opposing team members who are all seriously injured and are lifted from the ring by paramedics.

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