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The next day-In the evening, Naida arrives back to the Arena and sees Bolin training alone. "Hey, Bo." She waves over at him. He glances at her and quickly drops his disks,

"Hey, Naida. What's up?" Bolin extends his hand and grabs the towel, brushing off his sweat. "Just stopped by to see how you've been since y'know- the whole Amon thing." She spoke as the small lizard on her shoulder flew over on Bolin's head.

Naida then glances around and sees Bolin was alone, "Mako home?"

Bolin shakes his head in denial and picks the small dragon in his hands, "He went out. Do you-uh..want to train with me until he comes back?"

Naida smiles and accepts his offer, Bolin's cheeks going pink at the sight of her smile. "S-Sure, Yeah."

Naida goes to get her training clothes and comes back with two full buckets of water. "Here, let me help you with that." Bolin quickly takes one of the buckets before she could intervene and places it opposite of where his disks were.

Naida wore a white sports tank top with black sweatpants, matching with Bolin. The two got in positions, "You ready?" The water bender cocks an eyebrow at him. He nods and Naida attacks.

She dodged Bolin's fast hits, one disk almost flying into her face which she dodged quickly. "Without rules, huh?"

"Yup!" Bolin exclaims as Naida smirks, "Excellent."

While Bolin was confused by that, the smoke cleared from his disks only to reveal Naida not in her spot anymore. The water bender ran on the walls and attacked Bolin from the side. He was quickly thrown back by this, but still managed to defend himself.

"You're good, Bo! However, not good enough." Naida traps Bolin into multiple giant icicles as she lands in front of him with a smirk on her face. "Hey, guys!" The two turn their heads to the entrance as Mako walked inside waving to them.

"What happened here?" He questioned looking at his trapped brother, "We were training. Guess who won." Bolin exhaled as Mako seemed...happy. Too happy.

"Why are you so happy?" His brother questioned as Naida grabs her water. "I got hit by a beautiful girl, Asami. She invited me to dinner."

Naida almost spit out her water by his sentence. Bolin glanced over at Naida with a worried look, "That's great!"

Mako glanced at Naida who began packing her stuff, "Yeah, that's awesome." She said in a low tone and walked towards the exit with little Drogon flying behind. "Hey! What about-"

Naida interrupted Bolin's sentence as she flicked her wrist and the icicles melted, he fell onto the floor with a thud while his brother watched Naida leave.


Naida lands on the island only to see one of the councillors, Tarrlok, leave her home. "Have a good day, Miss Naida." He spoke, sending her a smile which she gladly ignored and took Drogon back to his dragon pit.

"He said she was beautiful, Dro. I can't believe, I actually thought mine and his feelings were on the same page." Naida complained as Drogon ate his food quietly, "She hit him and he fell in love. It's stupid, everyone and everything-" Her fist connected with one of the trees,

"-is stupid!" She yelled as the tree was shaken by her force. "Even I?" Naida's eyes glance at Niko who stood there with his arms crossed against his chest. "I'm sorry, Niko. I just-"

Niko stepped over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, "Yes, I heard. Don't let it get to you. You're beautiful, if it helps you; you're the most beautiful in mine and I'm sure-" He motions to Drogon, "In his eyes also."

Naida glances to Drogon and back at the earth bender, she pulls him into her embrace, "Thank you, Niko." Niko was at first stunned by her affection, but gave in and hugged her back, stroking her hair.

Over the next few days, Tarrlok sent a page to deliver Korra various extravagant gifts to persuade her to join his task force, including a large gift basket and a racing-type Satomobile that Ikki and Meelo pretended to drive.

Korra sat on the steps, petting Naga over her tummy as Naida sat on the floor, leaning against the resting dragon. "Hello, fellow teammate! and Korra." Bolin walks over to them and reminds Naida about practice which Korra didn't know that she wasn't attending them.

"Sorry about that, I just didn't want to see..you know." She explained with a sad face to Bolin, "Why? What happened?" The Avatar questioned with worried eyes.

"Some girl hit him and invited him over to dinner." Bolin explained shortly as Korra was confused by this, because the last time her and Mako talked; was about his feelings for Naida.

"Anyways, I came by to give you two this." Bolin extended his hands over to the two as he held two roses with a cupcake placed in a bag, "Taa-daa!"

Naida let out a chuckle and accepted his gift, "Wow thanks, What's this for?" Korra questioned. "Oh, I can't remember now- Oh wait, now I remember." Bolin turns his back towards the two and faces them again. He explains that the gift is a thank you for saving him from Amon.

Naida noticed Korra was disturbed by the memory, "Uh, Bolin." Bolin quickly turns to her, 'Okay. Now I need to lie.'

"Is Mako home?" She blunted out. Bolin explained how Asami's father was the Hiroshi Sato- inventor of the Satomobile as now Naida felt even more jealous by this.

"Come on, Drogon. I'll see you guys later." She quickly got on Drogon's saddle and flew into the air.

The two fly over to Hiroshi Sato's industry as she sights Mako and Asami going inside. "She really is beautiful." Naida mumbles and brought her hand to the white strand of her hair. Drogon let out a loud sad growl which made Mako stop in his tracks. Naida quickly hid her and Drogon behind a building in hope he didn't saw her.

"I know, Drogon. I know." She comforted her dragon, leaning forwards and petting the scales on his neck before flying back to the temple.

𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐃𝐀-Legend of Korra (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now