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Mako, Bolin, and Asami arrive at Air Temple Island via the ferry, where they are greeted by Naida, Ikki, Jinora, and Meelo. While Naga chased Pabu, Drogon flied over the island making a shadow upon everyone. "Wow, You guys have a dragon?" Asami questioned in amusement. Naida chuckles at her question, "That's Naida's dragon, Drogon." Jinora answers and points to the dragon.

Asami glances down at Meelo who kept staring at her, "You're pretty. Can I have some of your hair?" He extends his hand as Mako claims he now has a competition. Ikki stops and faces them,

"And now for the grand tour! The flying bisons sleep in those caves down there," She points to her left, "And that's the temple grandpa Aang built," She points behind her, "And that's where Drogon has his dragon pit and where the vegetables grow that we eat!" Ikki says with a wide smile.

As the group heads to the temple, they learn that men and women reside in separate sections. "Meelo, why don't you go with the boys, too?" Naida says as he faces Asami, "See you again soon, beautiful woman"

Meelo and Jinora show Mako and Bolin to their room, while Naida and Ikki show Asami to hers. On the way, "Asami, did you know that Naida likes Mako?" Ikki blunts out. Naida basically could feel herself scream inside, thinking of ways how she would kill herself and Ikki's wide mouth. "Oh, Uh- I wasn't completely aware of that." Asami states shockingly and was pulled away by Naida into her room.

Naida quickly slams the door on Ikki to prevent her from entering the room, evoking a brief fit of rage from the young airbender.

Naida notes that the room is more "rustic" than what Asami is used to. Asami openly admires the room for its charm, adding that there is nothing to remind her of her father.

A knock was heard on the door, "Ikki, I swear to the spirits if you don't leave us alone, I will-!" The doors shove open, revealing Tenzin. Naida smiles and embarrassingly scratches her neck, "Dad..come right in."

Asami and Tenzin bow to each other before he turns to Naida, "Have you seen Korra?" The daughter slowly shakes her head in denial, "She's probably in her room."

Tenzin lets out an exhale, "Okay. Ladies, as you were." He says before exiting the room. "I should probably let you-Uh..un pack yourself. Later!" Naida stepped back before running back to her room in embarrassment.


After some time to herself, Korra is approached by Naida, Mako, Bolin, Asami, and Pabu. The Avatar confesses to her friends that she feels alone and believes herself to be 'the worst Avatar ever'. They encourage her by reminding her that Aang had not mastered all four elements while he was battling the Fire Nation and that he had the support of his friends.

"Yeah, we'll be the new Team Avatar!" Bolin yelled excitedly as all of them place their hands together, "Naida" Mako calls her over as she simply stood there. Everyone glances at her as Korra sent her a nod. She sighs out and places her hand last with a little smile.

Meelo interrupted by jumping down and passing gas on their hands much to their disgust and horror. He enthusiastically agreed with them, although he had no idea what they are doing, making them all laugh.

As they all got on Naga, Bolin jumped the last and much to their surprise- Naga simply leans down as they all fall from her. "Alright, scratch that. Any other ideas?" Korra questions rubbing her head. The team all glance at Naida, "What? My saddle only holds four people max."

"I have an idea." Asami says.

Using police scanners Hiroshi installed on the Satomobile, the team easily locates and captures an escaping group of Equalists.

"Bolin, Korra, Give me a ramp!" The two earth-benders did so as they flew over the truck.

Mako sends a lightning towards one of the Equalists as Naida stands up in the middle of Bolin and Korra. She sent two strands of water and tried to trip the other motorcycles with Bolin's help.

They make a sudden turn and crash into them. The Equalist began fighting and Chi-blocked Bolin, in respond being thrown back by one of Naida's water tentacles .

The other Equalist held Mako forward as Naida pushes him in the backseat with the help of Korra. Asami electrocutes the other Equalist as Mako sends a lightning into the van, making it crash.

After hearing reports of an Equalist threat, Team Avatar quickly reacts and gets in the vehicle. Korra jumps in the back,

"After you." Mako says to Naida as she does the same and jumps beside Korra with Asami glaring at the two in the mirror. They arrive on the scene only to discover that the Councilman had cut the power to the Dragon Flats borough, leaving an entire block inhabited by nonbenders without electricity.

Team Avatar finds and approaches Tarrlok, "Tarrlok!" Naida calls out. "Avatar Korra, Naida."

Korra demands that the power gets turned on immediately and to leave the non-benders alone. "Avatar Korra, you and your playmates have no business here."

Naida approaches him beside Korra, "We're not going anywhere. You don't have the right to treat these innocent people like they're criminals."

Tarrlok leans down to her level, "This is an Equalist rally. There's nothing innocent about it." Mako glares down at him carefully watching his every step as he was being face to face with Naida.

Tarrlok starts arresting the people, claiming they are Equalists. When Korra opposes him, he arrests Asami. Mako interfered and the officers arrested them also. Naida prepared her water-skin and got in a stance-creating two large tentacles, beside Korra who lifted two huge slabs of earth and aimed them at Tarrlok.

"I suggest, both; you and Naida put those down. Unless you want to end up like your friends in prison." Tarrlok threatens back. "Nai, Korra, don't worry about us." Mako states as he was being placed in the vehicle. Naida places the water back into her water skin as Korra releases the slabs.

"Don't worry! I'll call my dad, he'll get you out!"Naida yelled. Her eyes met Mako's as the officers closed the doors .


When Tenzin arrives, he immediately seeks the release of Naida's and Korra's friends and the innocent nonbenders, saying that they are entitled to due process of law. Chief Saikhan directs him to Tarrlok, explaining that he is the one he would need to address to resolve this issue.

Korra grabs him by his chin, "You really are the worst Chief!" Tenzin pulls her down, calming her. "I mean seriously, Lin is always going to be the best." Naida says and was pulled away by Tenzin who after a second turned around, "But you really are the worst...ever!"

𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐃𝐀-Legend of Korra (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now