chapter 23

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" What do you aim for?"

In an instant, Yuan Li recalled the horrific scene he had witnessed during the day—the war, the bloodshed, the cries of the people, and the eyes filled with despair. But Yuan Li quickly regained his composure. He wasted no more than a few seconds before transforming into an enraged expression and growling, "Chu Hechao, what do you mean by this?"

"I have no ill intentions. It's just that we should be cautious when discussing such matters. That's why I resorted to this plan and brought you here to hide," the man chuckled silently, wet streaks marking his handsome face. "With your immense talent, if you have any ambitions, just speak up. I, Chu Hechao, will willingly go through fire and water for you. I won't utter a single word of refusal."

Do you think I believe you?

Yuan Li sneered coldly. "I have already said it once—I want to protect my home and defend my country! That is my greatest ambition! Chu Hechao, you are well aware of my aspirations. So why are you blocking me here and trying to persuade me? Even if you are the Great General of the North, the futureChu Wang, an influential figure among the feudal lords, you shouldn't humiliate others like this!"

As he spoke, his tone grew louder, but he had to keep his voice low, his anger evident. Yuan Li was also getting carried away. The pent-up frustration from being repeatedly tested earlier was now vented towards Chu Hechao.

The man frowned, puzzled by his sudden outburst. "Sister-in-law, you're being too harsh, I—"


Yuan Li interrupted him.

The usually amiable person hid his smiling face, and his tightly strained expression became emotionless. Even as a young man, he exuded a sense of daunting authority that made one feel uneasy. Yuan Li's clothes clung to his wet body, accentuating his slight frame and youthful delicacy compared to Chu Hechao. However, his aura overwhelmed Chu Hechao.

His lips pressed tightly together, and his eyes burned with raging anger.

This serene and refreshing face suddenly became vivid and lively.

"Chu Hechao," Yuan Li raised his gaze, even with water droplets clinging to his eyelashes, his eyes still sharp as he locked gazes with Chu Hechao. He spoke forcefully, "It was you who brought me to Youzhou, and it was you who asked me to stabilize the rear for you! Yet, while you seek my help, you continuously test me. Did I shoot the wrong arrow today?"

His expression darkened. "I saved many cavalrymen from death. Is that not enough for you? You claim we are family, but have you ever treated me as family? You want me to change Youzhou, yet you suspect me of having ulterior motives. Chu Hechao, ask yourself honestly, are your actions justified?"

Each of his questions was more piercing than the last.

Chu Hechao lowered his head, the shimmering water flowing on his back. In the darkness, Yuan Li couldn't see his expression, but Chu Hechao remained silent.

Yuan Li pushed Chu Hechao away and coldly said, "I never expected that after accomplishing feats, I would be treated like this by the general. If you truly cannot trust me, you could have spoken directly, and I would have returned to Luoyang. But I request that the general refrain from using such methods to test me again. After all, while the general does not consider me family, I still regard the general as a younger brother."

With that, he let out a disdainful snort and left, his spirit refreshed.

After a while, by the riverside.

Chu Hechao stood alone in front of the stone.

"Out of ten people who talk about protecting their home and country, it's a good thing if even one person actually does it. The rest are merely using the excuse of protecting their home and country to seek personal gain," Chu Hechao suddenly spoke in a low voice, as if explaining himself.

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