chapter 158

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The Zhou residence was quite large, and upon learning that these scholars from Jingzhou had no place to stay in Ye County, Zhou Gongdan invited them to stay at his residence.

Wang Qianzhi and his companions were overjoyed and naturally didn't refuse. In the following days, they frequently visited Zhou Gongdan and even brought books to seek his guidance on certain questions.

After getting acquainted with Zhou Gongdan, Wang Qianzhi asked him about some doubts regarding the Imperial Examination. "Sir, could you please explain what 'physical test' is?"

Although the Imperial Examination conducted by Yuan Li allowed candidates to choose their preferred subjects, it still had requirements. After the examination, the candidates had to undergo a "physical test" conducted by the government of Wen Principality.

The "physical test" included a medical examination, where a physician would check the candidates' health. Those with heart disease, asthma, contagious diseases, and other illnesses would be disqualified from the Imperial Examination.

Following the medical examination was a physical fitness test, which involved running. The standards for the fitness test were relatively low, achievable by ordinary individuals.

Failing to pass the fitness test meant disqualification from participating in the Imperial Examination.

Yuan Li adopted these methods from the future for a simple reason. He needed healthy individuals who could work at the grassroots level and serve as practical officials for an extended period, rather than having them serve for only a year or two and then face physical exhaustion.

Yuan Li planned to recruit at least six hundred officials this time, and most of them would be assigned to work at various counties and districts. Such work was physically and mentally demanding. If they couldn't even pass the fitness test, they wouldn't be able to endure the hardships of such jobs. It would be pointless to occupy a spot in the Imperial Examination and end up achieving nothing. They would either be unable to serve for more than a few years or be exhausted by their duties, leading to an early death.

There were concerns about this fitness test, fearing that some talented individuals might be disqualified.

However, Yuan Li remained unmoved.

He didn't care if any talented individuals were disqualified because the officials sent to work at the grassroots level didn't necessarily require extraordinary talent. They needed good physical health, average intelligence, and effective management skills.

Where could they find so many exceptionally talented individuals? The government needed a large number of ordinary officials working diligently behind the scenes. Even if there were talented individuals who missed the opportunity, Yuan Li didn't feel any regret because he already had many talented individuals by his side.

One more or one less wouldn't make a significant difference. Regardless of who was missed, it wouldn't affect Yuan Li or Wen Principality.

If there were truly talented individuals with weak physical conditions who couldn't pass the simple fitness test, it was evident that their health condition wasn't promising.

Who could guarantee that they would live for several years? What could such individuals achieve with their weak bodies? In their limited lifespan, would Yuan Li really make them work tirelessly in official positions, handling paperwork and personal matters with a weakened body?

Perhaps it seemed ruthless, and it might appear unfair to students with health issues. However, Yuan Li believed in being responsible for his subordinates and others. He insisted on this approach.

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