⭑ Prologue ⭑

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  • 4 Years Later •   

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  • 4 Years Later •   

The grand ballroom of a luxurious hotel is transformed into a glamorous stage for the annual 'Excellence Awards.' The room is adorned with shimmering decorations, golden statues, and dazzling lights. Tables are embellished with centerpieces, and a stage is set up at the front of the room.

"Mr. Scindia," a voice whispered, drawing Adwait's attention to the elderly gentleman nearby. "Congratulations on your nomination as the best CEO of the year," he said with a warmth.

"Thank you, Mr. Mittal," Adwait replied, clasping the older man's hand firmly in his own, "And congratulations to you too for your nomination in the same esteemed category," he added.

"But you deserve every bit of this recognition, especially considering it's your debut nomination and being the youngest CEO among the esteemed nominees," Mr. Mittal replied with a smile, "You truly deserve all the appreciation coming your way," he added.

Adwait nodded his head in acknowledgment of the remark. 

The host commenced the announcements and the murmurs among the guests quieted, their attention shifting to the stage.

"Has she arrived?" Adwait inquired, turning towards his assistant.

"No, sir. She hasn't arrived yet. Shall I give her a call?" his assistant inquired, adjusting her glasses.

"Leave it. I'll handle it," Adwait said decisively, already retrieving his phone.

He dialed her number and brought the phone to his ear. The chime echoed once, twice, thrice, and beyond, yet no answer greeted him. Frowning slightly, he redialed the number. Finally, the call was answered.

"Where are you? The award show has already begun."

He heard the distant sounds filtering through the phone, hurried footsteps and muffled voices that hinted at her bustling surroundings.

"I'm so sorry. I got caught up with work and completely lost track of the evening," Nitya replied apologetically, "I'm already out of the house, but I'll be there in 20 minutes," she added.

She heard a weary sigh emanate from the phone, prompting her to increase the speed of the car, not wanting to keep him waiting any longer than necessary.

"Sir," Adwait's assistant called out, drawing his attention away from the phone still pressed to his ear. "There's someone here who wishes to meet with you. He's interested in discussing a potential business deal."

"Tell them we can discuss it after the conclusion of the show," he replied curtly.

Adwait's attention shifted back to the voice emanating from the phone. "The show will likely conclude in less than an hour. Don't trouble yourself if it will take you longer. You'll only tire yourself out by rushing here."

"No way. I'm on my way. Please don't be angry," Nitya interjected hurriedly, "I know how important punctuality and discipline are to you. Please forgive me this time, and I promise I'll make it up to you," she pleaded.

"Alright. Drive safely." With that he ended the call.

Nitya tossed the phone onto the side seat of her car, the device landing with a soft thud as she took a sharp left turn. Within half an hour, she reached her destination, swiftly parking the car before exiting in a blur of motion, as she dashed towards the entrance.

Her eyes swept across the surroundings, scanning for the familiar figure amidst the throng of people, until they finally settled on the man whose back was turned to her. She approached him, "Sorry once again for being late," she murmured softly.

Adwait turned to see her rapid breaths, evidence of her hurried journey akin to completing a marathon.

He shook his head slightly, "It's alright, Niharika," he reassured her, "Have a seat. The award ceremony is wrapping up in just 15 minutes."

"Well, am I forgiven, Abhinav?" Nitya asked sheepishly. Abhinav couldn't help but chuckle at her attempt to apologize.

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I understand that reading the prologue may have raised many questions. But I urge you to reserve any firm opinions until you've delved into the story up to the tenth chapter.

Additionally, I forgot to mention that this book will primarily delve into the marriage life of Adwait and Nitya. Hence, the separation phase will not endure for an extended period.

Finally, it's important to note that Niharika and Abhinav will not be catalysts for issues between Adwait and Nitya. On the contrary, they will play a pivotal role in bringing the couple back together.

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