04| I want her back

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I've been receiving many questions regarding the String series. So, if any of you have inquiries, feel free to drop them. I'll address each one in a Q&A session in the next update.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the campus

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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the campus. The college reunion was in full swing, and laughter mingled with the nostalgic strains of music that echoed through the air. Groups of alumni gathered in clusters, reminiscing about bygone days, their faces alight with joy and excitement as they caught up with old friends and exchanged stories of their post-college adventures.

Nitya stepped into the hall, her eyes sweeping across the room in search of familiar faces, until a voice from behind caused her to turn. 

"How are you, the great architect, Nitya Mathur?" Nilay beamed, extending his hand toward her.

"I'm good," Nitya smiled, clasping his hand in hers, "And you? What brings you to attend the reunion this time?"

Nilay shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, "I figured since I missed the last one, why not show up today? Who knows, it might just be the final reunion the university ever holds," he remarked.

"Make sense," Nitya nodded thoughtfully, "So, what have you been up to these days?"

"I'm planning to settle in Germany now," he replied, his voice carrying a note of excitement, "Got my visa approved. In four months' time, I'll be making the move permanently."

"That's absolutely wonderful. Congratulations," Nitya beamed, "I'm truly happy for you," she added.

"Ah know you are glad for me, but deep down, are you truly content in your own life?" 

"What do you mean? Of course, I'm content. I've got myself a fine job, making the most outta my life," Nitya retorted.

Though she sensed a subtle undercurrent in Nilay's words, she chose to feign ignorance, unwilling to delve into that conversation at the moment.

Nilay chuckled, "You've always been adept at sidestepping questions, Architect Nitya." He paused, then continued, "Well, I was referring to Adwait. I understand you two aren't in touch anymore, but I couldn't resist asking if you've found contentment and happiness in your life now. I hope my inquiry hasn't caused you any discomfort."

Nitya glanced away briefly, her gaze evading him who might glimpse the vulnerable depths of her emotions. Moments passed before she mustered the courage to meet his eyes once more. "We move on when we seek to forget," she began softly, "But Adwait is someone I can never forget. And I find solace in that realization because it's what he would want for me—to be happy."

Nilay smiled knowingly, "Your love for him remains unchanged, perhaps even stronger," he remarked, a hint of awe coloring his words. "It's a proof to the enduring power of love. I used to believe it was just a fleeting notion, but now I see it for what it truly is—an undeniable force that transcends time and circumstance."

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