06| Please, don't hate me

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I tapped my foot on the tiled floor, seated on the chair, my gaze wandering aimlessly around the sterile hospital environment

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I tapped my foot on the tiled floor, seated on the chair, my gaze wandering aimlessly around the sterile hospital environment. The pervasive scent of antiseptic and medicine tingled my senses.

A subtle whining sound caught my attention, drawing my gaze to the left where a woman sat with her little son, the boy pouting and sulking in front of her with his arms crossed.

"Don't be so stubborn, son," the woman sighed, her hand gently patting her son's head, "I said I'll take you to the ice cream parlor, but first, you have to go through your checkups," she reasoned.

"No, Mama. I don't want to. The doctor uncle will give me injections. He's bad," the boy protested.

"He won't give you injections. I've spoken to him," his mother reassured.

A small smile played on my lips as I observed their tender interaction, a scene that stirred something deep within my heart. The smile, initially born out of awe, gradually transformed into a pained expression. I couldn't tear my gaze away from them, my thoughts drifting to certain memories. 

Suddenly, a figure entered my field of vision. I looked up and saw Abhinav standing there, his eyes filled with questioning curiosity.

"Where are you lost, buddy?" He questioned, as he followed my gaze to the mother and son, his expression softened with understanding. 

He sighed and settled into the seat beside me. "You know, when I was a kid, I was terrified of doctors, even more than ghosts."

I squinted my eyes at him, "Liar. So, you were afraid of doctors yet became one yourself? Like I'll believe you."

He broke into a grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Who knows, maybe I became a doctor so I could scare kids the same way I used to get scared. You know, a sadist thrill," he quipped.

My eyes widened, "Goodness, Abhinav, you're positively unbelievable. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were meant to be a psychopath rather than a surgeon. It seems you've taken a wrong turn in your profession. Perhaps it's time for a change."

"A change? Not a chance. I've spent sleepless nights striving to become a surgeon, and not to mention the millions invested. I won't squander years of hard work," he declared.

"I can see where you're coming from, and I can relate," I replied with a shrug. "So, do you have some free time now?"

With a wink, he quipped, "Forever and a day," prompting a mock eye-roll from me, followed by a chuckle from him. "Alright, ten minutes break. I've got another surgery waiting," he announced as he stood up from his chair.

I joined in, saying, "Great. I won't detain you for long, just wanted a brief chat."

"Let's head over to my cabin then," he suggested.

I tagged along as he took us to his cabin, all fancy up on the top floor. We hopped in the lift, he hit the button for the highest floor, and we just stood there in silence. Once the lift chimed, we got out and wandered through the halls until we found this cozy little corner cabin. Being the gentleman he is, he held the gate open for me. I strolled in and plopped down on the comfy sofa, with him right next to me.

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