Potential Energy

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The cold gray,

I can see it in my headlights.

Know when I show up,

they'll be asking if I feel alright.

Do I lie?

I was never very good at it,

but then again,

you'd have to know me.

So understand that when he asks me,

I look right in his eyes

and want to fall at his feet.

This simple boy,

he has no idea.

His brown eyes have been on me

and it's starting to add up.

I still couldn't tell you

what the feeling is.

It's something so simple.

So pure.

So selfless.

How can I simultaneously want to take care of him,

and melt under his gaze

like I'm fourteen again?

He says he likes when he sees me smile.

I said it's rare and that's probably why.

He agreed, but what he doesn't know,

that when I do,

he's the reason why.

There's something about feelings unspoken

that connects two people

more than a kiss could.

Who knows what he's thinking 

when he raises his eyebrows?

It could be about me,

but I'll never find out.

And isn't that the fun of it?

Kinetic energy is nothing

when the potential is

what's making it.

So I can tell him that I don't write about him.

But he knows I do.

I'm terrible at hiding it.

But it's ok cause there's nothing to hide,

I mean,

if you asked I still wouldn't

know how to explain.

Or what I'm explaining.

Let's just not overthink it.

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