Deny, Deny, Deny

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I can't lie.

Everybody knows it.

Especially to him.

And he definitely knows it.

So no point in hiding,

that nights starting in January,

I started wishing

he was there to hold me.

No point in denying

how much he turns me on,

or how much I want his hands on me.

How far is 'far gone'?

No use in sealed lips

when he asks if I like it,

the teasing look that burns hot

days after he gives it.

No reason to lie 

when he asks if I want it,

want him to hold me,

even just for a minute.

So then...

Why do I lie,

and hide,

and deny?

Why can't I just tell him

I wish he was mine?

He already knows,

he's admitted so,

but each time that he asks,

I'm embarrassed from head to toes.

I'm scared to just say 

what he knows I'm thinking.


you IDIOT,

you let him read your writing!

So you want him to know

just what he has over you,

you just can't use your words,

need it forced out of you.

It's not who I am 

to go down with no fight.

I will keep lying to him,

if just for my pride.

And I don't think I'll EVER 

say it out loud,

until he has me perfectly cornered

and forces it out.

(or maybe one day 

 I'll get brave enough to say

 that I...

 Ok well I'm getting closer

 each try. 

 It's what happens, my dear,

 when you meet a guy)

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