Buy to Try

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Ok, so I've said it.

Not like you didn't know.

I broadcast my feelings on channel 4,

on my face,

can't say no.

And now you know I get j******,

so what's left to play dumb?

Nothing's left,

just two kids,

in love.

But it's never that simple,

is it?

We've got gaps in our hearts

that the others aren't filling.

And my gaps might be filled

by your laugh and your eyes.

But we'll never know.

For the best?

But I'd still buy to try.

So what, I could break your heart?

You could also break mine.

My indecisiveness,

your unknown weaknesses,

but I still want to try.

I don't know why but I want

a Christmas with you.

I want a tree that's ours

in our living room.

I want to dress up

and see the look on your face

when you realize you can't have me,

but you still own me in ways.

We probably won't get to try.

I'll most likely never

get to call you mine.

But just remember,

when I look at you,

a part of me will always wish

that you were my first.

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