I Think We Should Kiss (Not Really) (Well, Kind Of)

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Ok, so I have this plan.

It's pretty stupid,

so don't take it too seriously.


I think you should kiss me.

See, here's the deal:

I like you.

Plain and simple.

And you might like me,

I still don't like to assume,

but you look at me,

and that makes me want you.

But kissing, 

that's a different story.

You'd kiss me and I'm sure,

end of story.

We could put this whole thing

to rest.

Just grab my arms,

force me to hold still,

chest to chest.

It wouldn't be that great, right?

Not like I've imagined it


every night.

Not like I imagine you 

on me when I...

ok, you get the picture.

So see, a kiss could only help me,

since this is something to get over.


It couldn't hurt.

I wouldn't like it,

you'd stay my friend,

we could go back to before.

What are the chances it would be perfect?

It's not like everyone says we're great together.

It's not like we've gotten comments.

It's just, someone else wants me.

And I like him,

I just liked you first, 

you see.

And every time he asks for me,

I start to wonder what a future with you

could be.

And you can't be with me.

We already know this.

Which is why,

though it's stupid,

I think we should kiss.

I think you should grab me and kiss me

just once.

Oh, who am I kidding?

I'll never get what I want.

But every morning I see you,

I'll still picture it.

Just like I have since September.

I'll never stop wanting that kiss.

And every time that I look at you,

you'll spy my gaze

on your lips.

Just once,

that'll do it.

But would that be the end?

I can't help but want it

when you hold both my wrists,

and give me that look

that tells me to be scared,

but also to want it.

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