Off the Spoon

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You're showing up in my dreams.

Dangerous to fall asleep

But so sweet.

Sweet like ice cream off the spoon,

except it's hot

how much I want you.

Hot enough to blow on

before I put it in my mouth.

Hot enough to make me blush

every time I see you now.

Jeans and jacket,

hands in pockets,

your eyes pin me on the spot.

Wish you'd close the distance

and use the rest of you

to get my back against a wall.

And look at me,

raised eyebrows,

and you still have no idea

how you make my legs weak

just by looking,

and I never want you to stop.

But I can't swallow my pride

like I can with the ice cream.

I can't use my words

so guess you'll have to force me.

And the heat on my cheeks

from our power struggle

makes it harder, but better,

cause we both know I'm a goner.

It's a sick kind of embarrassment

to know you already know.

But God I love that you ask

cause that means that you like it too.

The Tempest CollectionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz