Caramel Cream

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You put your coffee down,

and I know I should lean in.

It's caramel cream,

it's way too sweet,

but you have that look that says you'll

say something.

Your voice falls lower

in an already crowded place,

and then I really know

that I want to hear what you have to say.

You swallow once,

say, "Can I ask you something?"

Swallow twice,

while my heart speeds up.

I really want to hear this.

Because you have that look!

Like your eyes are ten times deeper.

Like whatever my answer will be,

nothing else will matter.

It's that look we get,

I mean, I'm not sure,

but I think I have it too.

That look that pops up

when the fog clears a bit

and we're forced to see the truth.

And we haven't vocalized 

that truth before.

But this question you have,

THAT might enlighten even more.

You're scared to ask,

I'm scared to hear,

but I'm leaning in anyway.

It might as well be just us 

in this coffee shop,

I can hear you so perfectly.

And here it is:

"Do you another lifetime-"

and then your mouth shuts tight.

We're not alone anymore,

better to be quiet

than to lie.

I sink back into my space

while our eyes say what we can't:

whatever that question might have been,

it would clear that fog 

just like the sun can.

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