chapter 9

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No one's POV
[2 days later]

Han Sohee - It's because w-we ca-n't be to-to....
Ricky - WE CAN'T BE? WHAT?!!
Han Sohee -WE CAN'T BE TOGETHER!! [yelling in a high tone]
Ricky - But why? [Holding his tears from falling]
Han Sohee -Because I-I-I fo-found a-a................

Ricky's alarm rang making him wake up and almost jump out of the bed and at the same time yelling "yehhhhh", which made Jiwoong also wake up and he came running to see Ricky as he was worried.

Jiwoong - What happened?? Are you ok?? Why did you yelled like that?
Ricky - I am fine, i just had a bad dreams. I am sorry for making you wake up. [still processing what happened]
Jiwoong - No problem. Do you want some water?
Ricky - Y-YES. [not knowing what to do]

Jiwoong gave a glass of water telling "Here". Ricky took the water at took 1 sip of it and again gave it to Jiwoong.

Jiwoong - What are you doing? Take some more sips.
Ricky - uh? [as he was thinking why did he had this kind of dream]
(Ok so for your information here "uh" means "lack of understanding".)
Jiwoong - Are you even listening to me? YOU GOT TO COME BACK TO REALITY, YOU CAN'T BE DAY DREAMING RIGHT NOW!! YOU JUST WOKE UP FROM A DREAM!! [Yelling at him, and Ricky just looking at him and still making a dummy face.]
Ricky - Can you please stop yelling?? I am right infront of you!!!
Jiwoong - Ok!! So as you came to reality, i guess i will go and get washed up. Anyways, you should know that today is our "adventure in a nearby Haunted cave". You should get ready quickly you know.
Ricky - Yes dad, i will get ready before you.[Ricky said in a funny way and which made Jiwoong look at him with a "confused" face]
Jiwoong - Yeah yeah, we will see....we will see.

Jiwoong went to the bathroom and Ricky got out of the bed. He took his cloths and kept it on the bed he also cleared his bed and started scrolling through his phone.

After sometime he saw Jiwoong got out of the bathroom.

'he looks so hot, those drops of water falling from his hair is so gorgeous, he have so fit body, a broad shoulders which can take the whole universe on it, such a beautiful eyes and lips, his jawline is so sharp that it can cut papers, his hands are so beautiful with long fingers and veins. A PERFECT CREATION OF GOD. Who can't fall in love with him. O no what I am thinking of. Gosh i should not have feelings for him, i cannot, i already have someone '[Ricky thought while looking at Jiwoong.] The thoughts made Ricky go crazy, but was broken when Jiwoong yelled.

Jiwoong - yeaaaa, what are you looking at?
Ricky - u-u-uh.... n-nothing...
Jiwoong - Do want to watch me while I changed??
Ricky - No-No i was just thinking about something i didn't even notice you come out of the bathroom.
Jiwoong - okayyy, now go and get washed up. [Even though he knew Ricky was lying, he didn't wanted to continue the argument]
Ricky - Y-Y-yeah.

Ricky went have a bath. He was still thinking about Jiwoong then he quickly snapped out of it and started thinking about the dream that he had. After sometime came out of the bathroom then he quickly wore a gorgeous dress and did a little makeup and packed his bag for the adventure. He saw Jiwoong also packing his bag.

+time skip+

While they were entering in the restaurant Ricky saw that Nicky was sitting with Jake and his friends. Nicky saw Ricky and wave at him trying to say "come here". Ricky ran and also Jiwoong coming in the same direction.

Ricky - Hey, why are you coming with me?[in a polite and cute tone]
Jiwoong - Nicky is your best friend, right?
Ricky - Yes, but why you need to know that?
Jiwoong - Your best friend's boyfriend is my best friend. And can you see over there, 2 sits are saved for you and me. Got it?? [Pointing at the chairs]

We went and sat on the sit.

Nicky - So, guys this is my best friend, Shen Quanrui.
Ricky - please call me Ricky.
Jake - Ok Ricky, so this is Jungkook , Sungmin , jennie and i am Jake. We are Jiwoong's most faithful friend. Our gang's name is KIM'S SPYS .
Jiwoong - Stop that nonsense.
Jungkook - Yes, your highness.
Jiwoong - Thank you, Mr. Jungkook.
Nicky - Stop everyone !
Sungmin - Why?
Nicky - We also have a team. It name is SHEN'S SPYS. It has Taehyung , I.N , Kai and me.
Ricky - When was it formed?
Nicky - At the moment you were born.

We all laughed too much and eat the food.

We all laughed too much and eat the food

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This is how they sat



(Hope you like this chapter. Also, guess what will happen in the next chapter, let me know the ideas in comment. Please motivation me.....)

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