Chapter 6 || coffee shop

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Jenna's Third person POV:

Jenna tucks her hands into the comfort of her pockets, the cold air swirling around her making her hair flow in the wind as she sees the coffee shop in the distance.

it made Jenna feel bad to forget that Alex had a older older sibling. Brighton. Her older sister who was around 28 and co-owned a coffee shop already. She mostly worked a lot of the shifts, so Jenna expected to see her working. The Coffee shop was called Sunrise Cafe because they normally opened the shop at 6am. She opened the glass door of the Coffee shop, hearing a small jingle of a bell, as the scent of coffee beans flooded into Jenna's nostrils.

She looked around to surprisingly see a lot of people here in the late afternoon, as she searched for a woman similar looking to Alexander. The last time she saw Brighton, her hair was in a fluffy wolf cut, but that was quite long ago, would Brighton recognize Jenna's face?

That's when she saw it, a wave of memories hit her as she saw a quite tall slim girl, her wolf cut now grown out and in a messy bun, a few streaks of blue went across her hair. She wore a black turtleneck with cream colored sweatpants and a chocolate brown apron for the uniform, with a nametag pinned to it revealing in bold cursive letters, "Brighton." Yes.

Nervously she walked over to the girl, as she worked over by a coffee machine. Jenna lightly tapped on the pick up counter to get her attention, as Brighton's head looks up, as she looks to Jenna. At first glance Jenna could tell that Brighton had no idea who thing teenage girl was, until Jenna spoke.

"Uhm.. Hi, Brighton right? You probably don't remember me but I'm an old friend of Ale-" "Jenna?" She watched Brighton's eyes widen in realization as Jenna smiles lightly. "Hi."

A grin appears on Brighton's face, "Oh my gosh! I haven't seen you in forever! how have you been?" She walked out of the front desk, ushering Jenna own to a two person table. "I just came to ask you about something." Brighton rests her chin on her palm, "shoot."

Jenna takes a deep breath, before spilling everything out, "you know how I got into my acting career? Well that's been preventing me from socializing a lot, and I barely ever get to talk to Alexander, and I felt really horrible about it. Recently a got a new phone and I lost her number and I felt so careless, but I tried not to think to much of it, and today I was looking through Instagram and I found a post from a rude ex-friend of ours, and she spray-painted really really horrible words onto Alex's locker and I asked my sister Mia who goes to the same school as Alex and she said she hasn't been present for the past week because her and our ex-friend got into a huge fight and I'm really really worried and I just," Jenna stops to catch her breath, "I wanted to ask you how she's doing."

Brighton sat there, a bit stunned at this load of information, as she sighs, "I can tell this whole situation has got you stressed." her smile slightly fades, "Ever since that day she was really distant towards us, mostly always stayed in her room, and I swear she probably.. Probably relapsed a few times." Jenna's blood ran cold, as Brighton continued to talk, "it seemed that the only thing that was helping her was that green dinosaur plush she carried everywhere, she wouldn't tell us why." 

Because it was from me. Jenna's heart beat quickened slightly, but her heart also sunk, feeling bad that she wasn't there for the girl she cared about the most.

"Wait, what do you mean 'was'?" Brighton bites the inside of her cheek, "Our mom got really really mad at her after that incident, and since Grayson, our brother, was going to meet our dad, and to go to college in New York." She paused for a moment, "She decided to 'ship' Alexander off with him." Jenna's muscles stiffened. 

"how- how long ago was this..?" Brighton looks up to her slightly, "she left few months ago. I'm sure she misses you a lot though." She comforts, but Jenna couldn't shake the feeling of how horrible she felt. Maybe if she was there with her she wouldn't have gotten into that fight, she wouldn't have been so depressed, she wouldn't have to go to New York, she wouldn't have relapsed.

Jenna lets out a shaky sigh, "well, thank you for telling me about it." Brighton smiles, as the two girls get up, Brighton putting a comforting hand onto Jenna's back. She shoots her a soft smile before walking out of the coffee shop to feel the cold brisk air washing over her, as she walks back to her home, her mind filled with mixed emotions.

Alexander's third person POV:

Good news. Emma said that she'll be going to the same university Alexander will be applying for, bad news, New York is way too overwhelming for her. The bustling city plus crowds of people in every single spot her eyes lay on brung anxiety to Alexander in every single way possible. she had moved into her dad's apartment, her dad and her mom split up when Alexander was 10, Grayson was 13, and Brighton was 22 and in university. Alexander had a younger sibling named Estelle, who was 6 when their parents split up. Since Alexander's mother didn't want to have to deal with more then three kids, she let Alexander's dad take Estelle to New York.

He had a spare room in his apartment which was good, but the entire place smelled like coffee grounds with a hint of cigarettes, it was surprising that Estelle had gotten used to it. Although the young girl's room smelt much better, more like flowers and hints of perfume, so she assumed that Estelle spent her time hidden in there. Alexander was happy to see her younger sibling, and hoped to make more new friends in her last two years of high school, but New York high school is chaotic, it doesn't seem like anyone has any respect. Alex mostly just stayed in the back of her class with her earbuds in, trying to wash herself away from the class atmosphere in the soft tune of songs from The Neighborhood. 

Until one day, Alexander was at her locker, putting her bag into her locker as she glances at a raven haired girl, a few lockers between her and Alexander. "You like Scream?" Alexander's head perks up as she looks to the girl. "oh." she turns her head to the Ghostface poster stuck onto her locker door as she nods, facing the girl again, "Yeah, one of my favorites." The black haired girl grins, taking out a small Ghostface drawing from her locker, making Alexander smile as well.

"Mikey." She extends her hand, as Alexander reaches over to shake it, "Alex or Xander, short for Alexander." Mikey's smile grows wider, as they walk through the hallway side by side, "Thank god I'm not the only girl with a 'boy's name'" She uses her fingers to make air quotes, making Alexander lets out a laugh. The two girls enjoyed conversating with each other, and found out that they were in a few of the same classes together, and Mikey was planning to go to the same university.

Things were slightly looking up for her.

Narrative POV:

As time passed, Jenna and Alexander moved on in their lives, as the two became a distant memory to each other. Jenna started to pursue her acting more, and her career became more well known. Alexander started to study more on the arts of film, and even got a camera herself. She helped film a few productions with her friends who were actresses, and met some famous people herself, even out of her cinematography. 

But every one in a while, whether it was in bed or on set, the two girls wondered if they would ever really see each other again.

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A/N: OKAY I FINISHED THE WHOLE CHILDHOOD THING- I'm trying to brainstorm some ideas on how I might start the next chapter, hope you guys are liking it so far:33 ly all<3

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