Chapter 1

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I never thought I'd be coming back to the town I used to live in when my family was a whole. when it was me, my mom, my sister and my father. When my dad died it was my mom who said 'sometimes in life you just have to move on' And that's exactly what we're doing, although I'm not too sure that this is the best way to do that.

Children never think of their parents dying, of having to walk out of where you were kept safe to a sight of dead bodies all around you and them bodies weren't always dead, they had a life, a family, someone to call mother and father, they had happy memories, regrets and now what do they have? Nothing. Because they fought for people like me, people who weren't allowed to fight because their parents wouldn't let them. I could have made a difference to that fight, one extra person makes all the difference but my fathers pack was strong on not letting women fight-it was a men only, very sexist pack, but I wouldn't swap them...

Except I am.

My pack was left in pieces, nothing left other than broken hearted wives and children who had no where to call home. Some children have even been made orphans and yet here I am, not helping them, just running away to a pack where my father used to be the Beta. I guess I'm lucky that I have them to fall back on.

But this pack were no where in sight when my father needed help, when my pack needed allies, where was this pack?

"We're here" My mom announces, snapping me from out of my daydream. Here we are, outside our new home, a huge home, in the middle of the forest. The house is modern with huge glass windows making most objects in the house seen, the parts that aren't window are grey stone and to enter, you needed to climb five white, sturdy steps.

the first thing I notice is an audience outside of our front steps. There's line of people. Of course, the new family gets a 'welcome to the neighbourhood that never helped you' embrace. Each person had a smile on their face but it wasn't an excited smile, it was a sympathy smile...a smile for the broken family.

"I don't want to do this mom" I tell her, unbuckling my seatbelt in the passenger seat. I'm fully aware that they can hear me, every word, every movement, every bone that cracked...they could hear. Her eyes widen as a warning to me that we're being listened to but that doesn't stop me from carrying on. "It just feels like we're running away" I explain, looking out to the scene around us.

It's not right because it's not home. "Everything will be fine, just give it time" She replies, squeezing the hand that rested on my lap.

She keeps saying that but that doesn't make it okay, she deals with grief differently, she decides to forget anything ever happened, blocking the hurt out and moving on but I feel it's only right that  I face this head on. "Come on" She encourages, opening her door making me and my sister follow suit.

"Coriella! How was the journey?" A woman from the middle of the line bursts, her arms out wide as she heads for my mother. I grab a hold of my four year old sisters hand, walking us around the car to greet the audience.

My mom is happy to be here, I can tell, I can feel her energy, it's warm and radiates off her. "It was a great journey" My mom replies. It was an awful journey, I wanted to cry all the way here and jump out of the car at any chance I got.

Next is the man the same age as the other woman who is also stood in the middle of the line. He wraps my mother in a warm embrace whilst telling her how nice it is to have us all here, although I'm not sure I can agree with him on that one...we don't belong here. We're witches, we've never belonged, the only thing that made us belong last time was the fact that my dad was here and helped rule.

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