Chapter 5

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Pulling into the school parking lot this morning is much less daunting than yesterday. I know I'm still the new girl, the mate of their Alpha so I'm like the topic of all whispers, but I at least know my way around the school so I'm not walking around with my head ina  map today.  Mine and Ben's talk yesterday has made things easier, made me understand him and what happened more. I disliked this pack for what I thought they did, I thought they sat back whilst my father died for his pack, in reality they followed my dad's instructions.

I sit in my car for a second of to with the engine off and my thoughts are my only company. I can do this, I can fit in at a wolf school even though I'm a witch. I may be being naïve, or even a little delirious but there's no way that I can get through this if I'm not.

As I climb out of my car, Maya is on her way over, a smile from ear to ear as usual. I wonder if it ever pains her to hold a grin all day long. "Bells! Hey!"

I can do this, I remind myself. I force a smile onto my face, my eyes really wanting to find Ben. "Hey Maya" I greet back in my friendliest voice. She frowns, looking confused. For a second I worry that I have this morning's breakfast around my mouth and my hand goes to my face "What?" I ask, wanting her to tell me if I have any crumbs before I go into a school full of teenagers who will happily laugh at me with any chance that they get.

"You're just a complete different person than yesterday" She says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes "Don't speak too soon, there's still time for grumpy me to return"

She giggles "No! I like this Arabella" She says, her smile becoming warm.

I prefer this Arabella, too. What is her brother doing to me? Am I still trying to deny the mate bond that is there between us? Yes, I most definitely am because it doesn't seem right to me that a wolf and a witch could be mates again. My mom and dad were a one off, a miracle but this? Maybe it's passed on through family now. It makes more sense considering I am half wolf, but it doesn't mean that I want to accept it.

We begin to walk inside, walking up the steps to the main part of school. It's busy, loud and smells of wolf everywhere. It's a smell that I'm used to from my old pack, but here it's stronger because it's busier. Each pack has their own scent, a different scent and whilst this one doesn't exactly smell bad, it's different to what I'm used to. As we walk inside, I see Ben stood with Jace, his eyes pinned to me as soon as I walk through the large double doors.

I offer him a small smile, one that doesn't reach my eyes and he returns it. I'm certain at this point that somewhere deep within', I'm feeling something towards him.

"My brother seems a lot happier today too, did you two talk things through?" Maya asks after we've passed him. He'll still be able to hear us and I'm sure he's listening out too considering I'm still blocking him from my thoughts. I wish I could block him from my conversations but there's no possible spell that I can do for that.

I shrug "Yeah, he cleared some things up."

She grins like a Cheshire cat, squealing "You two are going to be super happy, I can see it now."

I want to tell her to slow down, that I've still not come to terms that I've got a mate when I had my heart set on being the queen of my witch world. I take a deep breath and just let her daydream of how life could be.

Her aura his warm, she's a loving person and passes it on to those around her, that's clear by her smile and personality but I can't get ahead of myself here.
The good this with knowing Maya, is having someone in most of my classes. We walk to Math together and I listen to her talk about her and Jace's debate this morning on who's stronger, her or the other guy, I'd put money on Maya, especially with Alpha blood running through her veins but werewolf males always like to think that they're elite over women.

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