Chapter 19

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I'm focussing on each step, telling myself that sometimes in life, you just have to throw yourself into certain situations. In my case, that situation is throwing myself into the lab to look at the DNA match. Everyone in this pack has their DNA taken when they're born and at different stages of their life. I don't think Ben ever thought that the DNA would actually need to be used at any point.

As we walk through the corridor of the lab, there's silence. Ben is in deep thought, I can tell because he's barely breathing. This is a tough situation for him or the pack to be in and I just hope it's not someone who's close to him. I have no idea who it could be, I don't know the pack well enough but I do know that when they're found, they'll be dead in no time.

Ben won't show any mercy to traitors and I agree. There's windows all around us which look into different rooms, the majority of which are empty. We stop outside of room 114 and there's two scientists in there with lab coats on. Ben places his finger on a scanner which immediately allows him to access and I feel my feet stop before they cross the threshold.

I look around, like my brain needs my eyes to scan the surroundings before we go in. I'm not sure what I expected this place to be like but this wasn't it. There's jars, test tubes, computers, a lot of things that you'd expect in a lab but for some reason I didn't think that it'd be this advanced. Pack's rarely need this big of a lab, mostly because they're not as big as this pack.

I stop outside, like my mind is telling myself that past this point, everything will change and I suppose it will, but it's too late to go back now. Ben looks back to me, his eyes pleading me to be with him for this. I realise that this is a big thing for him, his first big challenge against his own pack and he knows that someone's going to be suffering because of it. No leader wants to hurt a member of their own pack, but truthfully he doesn't have a choice.

"Hi Alpha, Hi-" The scientist pauses, not knowing what to call me.

"Arabella" I say. I'm not their Luna, so first names will do just fine.

He nods and looks around like he's nervous. "We've swabbed the house from top to bottom and as it hadn't been used before Annie and Collin for around 6 months, I'm certain that our findings are correct."

Ben has one arm across his torso and the other elbow is leaning on it. He bites his finger nails, or at least skims them with his teeth and I conclude that this is the most nervous I have ever seen Ben.

"I trust your judgement" Ben says, urging him to carry on.

It's like everything goes blurry, my sound, my vision and I watch in slow motion as Ben storms out of the room, flying down the corridor and on the hunt for blood. I want to stop him, I feel like I have to but at the same time, I don't regret my decision to just follow him without interrupting him.

He's fast, possibly the fastest I've seen him and as soon as we emerge from the lab building, he shifts and he's in wolf form, going through the town with not a care for the people around. We're lucky that this town is werewolf only, but I don't think it would have stopped him anyway. Ben storms the streets of the pack and I'm confused as to where he's going until I realise that he knows exactly where the spy is, at school.

Now I think it's time to stop him, to play them at their own game because they don't know that we know. If we charge at them, they're going to shift and run, we won't have a chance to stop them, or question them. I throw my guard down, trying to get Ben to listen to my thoughts, to try and make him see that going full throttle at the spy isn't the way to do it.

He comes to a holt and holds himself stiff, like he's on the edge, confused and doesn't know what's right.

"Listen to me Ben" I say, my voice trying to out power the ones in his head "You go in there in wolf form and go for the spy and they'll flee in the other direction straight to Will."His wolf turns his head to face me and his eyes are unreadable. "Come on Ben, think about it, just see it from a different perspective. You're angry now and so am I put let's just think about what we could do with this piece of evidence."

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