Chapter 11 The restoration site

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It is had been sometime ever since Playtime co had been announced permanently closed as it's a complete mystery as to why a popular toy factory that made life like toys, closed like that.It is very strange that it happened for an unknown reason as well as there being a strange case of how the employees there, except for one that retired, had mysteriously vanished without a trace.

But it is still strange as to what caused those mysterious disappearances, as there was a group of people trying to restore the factory. While there was people were doing that they were also creating a website.For restoring Playtime, co creations, including funding the group, so that they can restore the factory as well as there are many things found, and placed onto the website.

Not to mention the fact that there was also a chat space for people to talk on the website and ask questions as there is also a place to watch videos on the website as well.There is so much that the group had discovered, as well as creating character sheets for the toys that they found.Even though there seem to be some evidence of some employees surviving.

There was still no trace to where the rest of them are, as the only lead, which is one employee that were tired suddenly when the factory was still very much popular.So it is still very strange as the website was becoming very popular and more things were being added to it. There was even bios for the toys in the website well them in the form of cartoons, but they still counted either way.

When a certain detective notice this website, he became intrigued in it as this detective is Damien Klein after restoring the animatronics memories, including stopping that gateway to the afterlife. Everything was working out for him. Well, for everyone, mostly everyone to be more honest when he tried to contact Wiatt Nicholson there wasn't a response at all.

So he try it again, but there still wasn't any response from him as that was strange he knew everything that happened to him after the whole cave in thing. But still doesn't make any sense as to why he wasn't responding at all. It wasn't like him actually.So after a while of researching, he started to become very curious in this website when he discovered it so he decided to look into it.

It might be the only connection he has to figure out what happened to Wiatt.As this is the only connection that Damien has into finding him, including the fact he didn't tell the animatronics about this, especially one in particular.Because after getting to know Star is clear that he can be very protective over his boyfriend, including concerned about him as Damien soon realized.

He is going through the website trying to find anything that can have any connections to Wiatt or anything else.But he is still not finding anything about him at all, as it doesn't make any sense not to mention the fact that he hasn't gone without a single week of sleep.But Damien needed to find any hint at all of what happened to him it just wasn't like him at all when he first called and mentioned Lewis there wasn't any response.

So at that moment he knew something had happened.Because Even though they've just briefly met each other he had come down to understand that Wiatt deeply cares for his boyfriend, like he does for him, and always always react whenever there's any information about him.The same goes for the other so the fact that he didn't respond right away that was assigned for Damien to realize something must've happened to him but he doesn't know what it is that had happened at all.

As it have been about weeks as the animatronics are staying at his place well to be more precise, his siblings place. It became clear that he needed sleep because he was burning himself out like this.So the animatronics decided to come up with a plan to figure out what exactly to do to get Damien away from the computer.

Not to mention they were curious about what website he was on.Soon the animatronics put their plan into action as they also had some help with this.When Oliver soon entered into his room to convinced Damien to have a day off to relax while the animatronics look at the website.He is trying to convince him as the animatronics watched, but made sure they weren't notice by the detective at all as he is so far into his research.

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